


2017/08/09 20:06:39 编辑: 浏览次数:66 移动端



  In an attempt to improve highway safety, Prunty County last year lowered its speed limit from 55 to 45 miles per hour on all county highways. But this fort has failed: the number of accidents has not decreased, and, based on reports by the highway patrol, many drivers are exceeding the speed limit. Prunty County should instead undertake the same kind of road improvement project that Butler County completed five years ago: increasing lane widths, resurfacing rough highways, and improving visibility at dangerous intersections. Today, major Butler County roads still have a 55 mph speed limit, yet there were 25 percent fewer reported accidents in Butler County this past year than there were five years ago.

  Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.


  为了提升高速公路的安全性,p 市去年把所有高速公路的限速由55 降到了45。但是这样的努力尝试失败了,事故发生的数量没有下降,并且根据高速巡警的报告很多司机都超速驾驶。所以p市应该采用b 市5 年前相同的道路改善计划:增加车道宽度,重新铺设不平路面以及改善危险交叉路口的能见度。今天,b 市的主要道路依然是55 限速,但上报的事故率却比5 年前减少了25%。


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