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  The following appeared in a memo from a vice president of a large, highly diversified company.

  "Ten years ago our company had two new office buildings constructed as regional headquarters for two regions. The buildings were erected by different construction companies—Alpha and Zeta. Although the two buildings had identical floor plans, the building constructed by Zeta cost 30 percent more to build. However, that building&aposs expenses for maintenance last year were only half those of Alpha&aposs. In addition, the energy consumption of the Zeta building has been lower than that of the Alpha building every year since its construction. Given these data, plus the fact that Zeta has a stable workforce with little employee turnover, we recommend using Zeta rather than Alpha for our new building project, even though Alpha&aposs bid promises lower construction costs."

  Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.


  10年以前我们公司在两个不同地区拥有两座地方办公建筑。它们由两家建筑公司--Alpha和Zeta分别建造。尽管两座建筑的平面布局基本相同,由Zeta所建造的建筑造价高出了30%, 但去年的维护费用是由Alpha建的楼的50%。而且,Z大楼建成以来的能耗每年都比Alpha大楼要少。这些数据,再加上Z公司拥有稳定的员工队伍且雇员流动性很小的事实,表明我们应该使用Z建筑公司而不是A公司来建造未来的建筑工程,尽管A的标书承诺造价会更低。


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