

2017gre issue写作优秀实例:挽救濒危物种.

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  At various times in the geological past, many species have become extinct as a result of natural, rather than human, processes. Thus, there is no justification for society to make extraordinary forts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species.



  As the problem of ecological becoming more serious, there is much controversy over the issue of whether society should make extraordinary forts to save endangered species. Somebody claims that we do not have to spend a great cost in money and jobs to do that result from that at various times in the geological past, many species have become extinct because of natural. However, I do not agree this argument.获得更多gre考试咨询点击进入>>>>澳际免费咨询顾问或联系QQ客服:

  Indeed, there are certain species would become extraordinary that is not relevant to human beings, however, which cannot be the excuse for society to shirk the responsibility to protect them. The Darwin&aposs theory of evolution tells us that only the species which suit for the natural will live in the society. And there is also a saying in China that the fittest survive. To balance the ecological, natural itself will choose the best species that is usul, which will not destroy the biological system. However, since the human beings appeared, especially as the contemporary society developing, the extinction of the species is accelerated. This acceleration makes seriously influence on the natural, and destroys the balance of the geological. There is a mass of data showing that how many species disappeared every year, every day, every hour, even every second, which makes people extremely amazed. In recent years, the largest animal in the world--whale is catched and killed at a big quantity which used to making the whale oil and produce food for people&aposs pets. As a result from human being&aposs vanity and desire, many precious species are going to extinct. Undoubtedly, human being should be responsible for the destroys on the natural.

  Additionally, keeping the balance of the geological system is important for human beings to live in the natural. We know that there are innumerable chains of biology in the geological, and human beings are one species in one of the chains. Every minute,we are absorbing energy from natural. Our foods come from different other species.Now the species are disappearing so fast that it is very impossible that the next species which extinct is the most important food source of human beings. Moreover, our body is benit from innumerable ecological beings. Sometimes, certain boring insects (such as the mosquito, fly and so forth) are likely to have no benit for us, and we must believe that we will live better if the mosquito all over the word disappeared. However,there will be a great number of antibodies that are poured into the human beings&apos body as a result from the mosquito biting us which increase our immunity from diseases.Then, spend a cost in money and a job to save endangered species is our responsibility.

  In summary, besides human beings, every species in the natural are all equally. We are advance just on the intellect and emotion. We have no right to destroy other species. If we do that, we will be punished by the natural. So we should make our best forts, no matter how great cost in money and jobs we have to pay, to save endangered species because the development of human beings accelerates the extinction of species.

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