

2017gre issue写作优秀实例:艺术家.

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  It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value.*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.




  Who give the society something of lasting value? The author claims that it is artist not the critic that makes it. In my view, while I am firmly confirmed that artist created the art work, however, the author begs the question by overlooking the important function of the critic.获得更多gre考试咨询点击进入>>>>澳际免费咨询顾问或联系QQ客服:

  To begin with, it is true that it is the artists who created so much artist work and give their emotion to the art work. Undeniable all of the art work are created by the artist with their emotion not by the critic. It is Van Gogh who painted the "sun flower" that show people the sense hope. It is Beethoven who composed those symphonies. It is Shakespeare who created the vivid characters of Julia and Romeo. Without these artists, it is impossible for us to possess so many treasures. Moreover, the artists often use their emotion to create the work and thus these work can show us a lot of things.When we listen to the Beethoven&aposs symphony, most which were composed when he was blind, we will be provided confidence and graveness. When reading the Julia and Romeo, we will know how beautiful can love be. When we enjoy the "sun flower", we see not only a yellow flower, but also wish and hope. Hence, without artists and their emotion, we cannot enjoy so many masterpieces now.

  However, we can not overlook the importance of critic, because it is critic that find the potential significance of many work. Most work are created to serve the public. However, most of the citizens are not familiar with art work, therore, it is difficult for them to learn about the significance of these work. At the same time, most critics have studied the art for a long time and thus they may have a wide knowledge about these work and uncover the value of these work. Admittedly, not one is saint. So are those critics. Hence, at some time, it is inevitable that these critics may have a negative judgment about those work. But the real wonderful work will also be found by those critics after a short time. To shed light on this assertion, one needs look no further than the work of Van Gogh, who is the most famous postimpressionism artists. In his whole life, Van Gogh only sold two of his paintings. Why did he did not success when he was alive. The answer is easy. Since at that time, many critics prer the impressionism work than the new style of work. However, after several years, it was still those critics who found the lasting value of postimpressionism and thus most of the painting by Van Gogh were sold in a high price. Therore, we can see the importance of critics.

  Moreover, adding further credibility to my position is the fact that critics are necessary for public to select valuable work and teach them how to enjoy them. Nowadays, there are too many work published in the modern society. Every year, numerous art work such as movies, books and the like are produced by the editors. Then how can the public choose the ones that have significance from so many work? Therore, at this time, we need critics. These critics have much more time to appreciate these work and evaluate this work. Thus from these opinions we knew what kinds of movies are valuable and thus we choose these work to watch. Moreover, the opinions of the critic can better help us to learn about the content of these work. Through listening to the opinions, we knew that the movie Titanic is not only a disaster film but also show the greatness of love. Through listening to these opinions, we no longer think Hamlet is a pathetic character, the more we will evaluate this character from different aspects.Hence, the critics can help us better understand the features of these work.

  All in all, from what has been discussed above, we can easily draw our conclusion that artists play an important role in creating the art work. Meanwhile critics showed us the potential significant value of these work and help us better select the work. In final analysis, it is the combination of artists and critic that gives the society something of lasting value.

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