

GRE Issue主题范文及评析6.

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  综合广大GRE考生的需求,澳际留学考试规划师为大家整理出以下GRE Issue主题范文及评析,希望能给广大GRE考生在写作上带来帮助!

  Cooperation---or Tragedy?

  The solution to the world’s growing environmental problems may have to wait awhile. It has been said that "environmental problems are global and respect no nation’s boundaries." Unfortunately, pollution and its consequences still fall to large measure on those least likely to do anything about it: poor countries willing to sacrifice anything in order to sit at the table with the world’s wealthy.

  As far as the industrialized nations of the world are concerned, the world is a big place. Environmental destruction taking place outside their borders may sometimes be fodder for government pronouncements of concern, but few concrete actions. Dorestation of the Amazon, for instance, is of vital concern to all those who wish to continue breathing. But the only fective deterrent to this activity, the restriction of international aid money to those countries showing net dorestation, has been stalled in the United Nations by those unwilling to "interfere" in the internal politics of other nations.

  Because of the differential impact of polluting activities around the world, and even in different regions of a single country, many governments will undoubtedly continue to promulgate only modest environmental regulations. Costs to polluting companies will continue to carry as much weight as the benit of a pollution-free environment. Particularly in the current political climate of the United States, the well-documented expense of today’s pollution-control measures will be stacked against the unknown long-term fects of polluting actitivities. "Why should I spend millions of dollars a year, which causes me to have to raise the cost of my goods or eliminate jobs, if no one really knows if air pollution is all that harmful? Show me the proof, " an air polluting company may demand.

  Realistically, it won’t be until critical mass is achieved that the hoped for "choice of unity and cooperation" will be a viable one. Only when the earth as a whole is so polluted that life itself becomes increasingly difficult for a majority of the world’s people will there likely be the political will to force global environmental laws on governments worldwide. But the optimists (read: environmental activists) among us continue to believe that the world can be shown the error of its ways. They continue to point out that the sky is probably falling--or at least developing a big hole. The world, as a whole, ignores them.

  One would hope, however, that governments, perhaps through a strengthened U.N., could somehow be forced to realize that when the Earth reaches the critical mass of pollution, it may be too late to do anything about it. That would be a "common tragedy" indeed.


  This excellent response displays an in-depth analysis of the issue and superior facility with language.

  While acknowledging that environmental problems are serious and of global dimensions, the essay explores the complexity of international cooperation. Such cooperation, the essay argues, runs into a variety of problems, and the writer offers persuasive examples to support that point:

  -- the unwillingness of nations to "interfere" with other nations through

  political measures such as restriction of foreign aid

  -- inadequate environmental regulations, which are caused both by "the

  differential impact of polluting activities" between countries and

  regions and by the difficulty of comparing the "long-term fects of

  polluting actitivities" with the more easily documented, short-term

  costs of reducing pollution.

  The essay distinguishes itself in part by its excellent organization. The first paragraph analyzes the claim and announces the writer’s position; the second and third paragraphs provide clear examples supporting that position. The skillful use of a quotation from a business person vividly illustrates the economic impact of pollution controls. The last two paragraphs bring a sense of closure to the essay by continuing the theme announced in the first paragraph -- that cooperation must wait until more dire circumstances produce the political will necessary to reduce pollution.

  The essay exhibits superior control of grammar and syntax, with only minor errors. Transitional phrases -- "because," "however," "for instance" -- help guide the reader through the argument. Also, fective sentence variety and the use of precise word choice help confirm the score of 6.

  以上澳际留学为大家整理的GRE Issue主题范文及评析,希望能够帮助大家更好地复习GRE写作,祝大家GRE考试顺利,成绩高高!





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