

新gre argument写作实例解析.

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  新gre argument写作实施以来,很多考生都感到茫然,因为写作部分是我们国内考生的一个薄弱环节,下面是澳际小编为大家整理的破解argument写作的实例解析:


  这次要给大家做一道曾经让我彻底崩溃的阿狗-地球诞生与彗星, 相信这次做活动的同学数目会锐减(抹额头|||). 而本打算参加的同学陡然停止了手中的鼠标点击, 然后心中暗骂数声BT...

  我对A50的理解有四个阶段, 第一是崩溃阶段. 第二是瓦解阶段. 第三是顿悟阶段. 第四是ace阶段. 因此无夏有理由相信, 通过这道典型的解析, 会让我们对Argument的一系列难题产生一个全新的, 崭新的, 涣然一新的obversation.


  So now let us go with this topic:

  50.From a draft textbook manuscript submitted to apublisher. "As Earth was being formed out of the collision of space rocks,the heat from those collisions and from the increasing gravitational energy ofthe planet made the entire planet molten, even the surface. Any water presentwould have evaporated and gone off into space. As the planet approached itscurrent size, however, its gravitation became strong enough to hold gases andwater vapor around it as an atmosphere. Because comets are largely ice made upof frozen water and gases, a comet striking Earth then would have vaporized.The resulting water vapor would have been retained in the atmosphere,eventually falling as rain on the cooled and solidified surface of Earth.Therore, the water in Earth&aposs oceans must have originated from comets."


  Step one: Readingthe passage.

  The major destination in this part is to distinguishwhich is the reality and which is the reasoning during it.

  Because I guess our biggestproblem in the tough Arguments&apos topics are similar-we even do not know themeaning of Chinese, how can I examine if the evidence is correct or incorrect?

  That is really insteresting.At the beginnning, I had discussed this topic ever with a friend who learningin physics. He appreciated me to read something articles about the earth originating. As he said, we have no choice, orwe would have no basical standard to judge whether those sentences are genuineor not.

  Furthermore, thereare two major problems we had to solve--how the earth birthand whether it generated the water in this processat the end. I fundementally rered to this website to read the data ofthem, the link is following:

  Meanwhile I also read severalother similar rerences, finally I realized that if you use those data tocompare to this Argument, you will find the author is totally wrote ascientific fiction. Because of the human beings had not decided which one couldbe the absolute right way for the earth beginning. Most of the professionalexperts were just provided a vague answers of their assumptions. On otherwords, this author created a background of his reasoning, and that wasreasonable.

  Getting here you cansee, once the topic related to a extremely complicated subject, it had to makea describtion which was more dedail than other general topics. If he did notmake such summary, the whole reasoning of this process won&apost be limited. Thatis to say, one consequence will have lots of fairlly causes from every otherreasonable angels.

  And that just hits me like a very good news. Themore such of these "background" the topic had, the less reasoing ofthe writer we need to attest! And that is eventuelly the truth of tough topicsin Argument wrtitng.

  Step two:Classifying the passage.

  When you caught this light our for the tough topic, you must to pick up theportion of describtion and thereby to list the reasoning one by one. I quotedthe passage again:

  "As Earth was being formed out ofthe collision of space rocks, the heat from those collisions and from theincreasing gravitational energy of the planet made the entire planet molten,even the surface. Any water present would have evaporated and gone off intospace. As the planet approached its current size, however, its gravitationbecame strong enough to hold gases and water vapor around it as an atmosphere. Because comets arelargely ice made up of frozen water and gases, a comet striking Earth thenwould have vaporized. The resulting water vapor would have been retained in theatmosphere, eventually falling as rain on the cooled and solidified

  surface of Earth. Therore, the water in Earth&aposs oceans must have originatedfrom comets."

  In my opinion, I tend to makethis pink part as the whole background of the Earth being. Rests of it is thereal reasoning of this author stated his own minds. So you just to be believedto this process and leave the REALISITY alone. Based on this evidence theauthor given to turn your argument out.

  Setp three: Analyzingthe reasoning.

  Untill now, whatever youhad be surprising or raptured, the fact is apparent standing in here, which isa simple structure he done. You can see clearly the err and the how caused tothem.

  Firstly, this is aseries of unfairly causalities. And that is also the major vice the author appeared.I will detail it from three aspects.

  With the constructionof comets, the author did not provideany evidence to demonstrate the frozen water and gases are the major substancesmade up in it. For the metter, vapor may be the one consequence of allpossibilites of comets cracked to the Earth.

  Therore, how the waterhad being generated and droped down the earth is a unconvincing assumption.

  With the parttern ofraindrop, even though weaccknowledged the foregoing point is alright, the author still were short ofthe evidence and nesassary intruduction of other partterns the water formed inour Earth.

  And it also could bedoubted because the author didshow us the dinite information of this raindrop. What the amounts of thewater came from raining was? Are there other space rocks have such kindssubstances which can produce the water? Lacking these information, the authorcan not point out his final study.

  以上即是考生分享的新gre argument写作实例破解解析,希望对备考新gre argument写作的考生有所帮助。




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