

新GRE Issue写作范文透析1.

2017/08/09 19:24:07 编辑: 浏览次数:395 移动端

  新GRE作文分两大块,一部分是Argument,一部分是Issue,那么Issue写作又该如何去写呢?怎样写好呢?以下是新GRE Issue写作范文详情透析,希望能给广大GRE考生一些参考。


  "The reputation of anyone who is subjected to media scrutiny will eventually be diminished."





  Sample Essay

  The intensity of today&aposs media coverage has been greatly magnified by the sheer number and types of media outlets that are available today. Intense competition for the most revealing photographs and the latest information on a subject has turned even minor media events into so-called "media frenzies". Reporters are forced by the nature of the competition to pry ever deeper for an angle on a story that no one else has been able to uncover. With this type of media coverage, it does become more and more likely that anyone who is subjected to it will have his or her reputation tarnished, as no individual is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. The advances in technology have made much information easily and instantaneously available. Technology has also made it easier to dig further than ever bore into a person&aposs past, increasing the possibility that the subject&aposs reputation may be harmed.



  The above statement is much too broad, however. "Anyone" covers all people all over the world. There are people whose reputations have only been enhanced by media scrutiny. There are also people whose reputations were already so poor that media scrutiny could not possibly diminish it any further. There may very well be people that have done nothing wrong in the past, at least that can be discovered by the media, whose reputations could not be diminished by media scrutiny. To broadly state that "anyone" subjected to media coverage will have his or her status sullied implies that everyone&aposs reputation worldwide is susceptible to damage under any type of media scrutiny. What about children, particularly newborn children? What about those people whose past is entirely unknown?


  Another problem with such a broad statement is that it does not dine the particular level of media scrutiny. Certainly there are different levels of media coverage. Does merely the mention of one&aposs name in a newspaper constitute media scrutiny? What about the coverage of a single event in someone&aposs life, for example a wedding or the birth of a baby? Is the media coverage of the heroic death of a firighter or police officer in the line of duty ever going to diminish that person&aposs reputation? It seems highly unlikely that in these examples, although these people may have been subjected to media scrutiny, these individual&aposs reputations are undamaged and potentially enhanced by such exposure.


  以上便是澳际留学考试规划师为广大GRE考生整理的GRE Issue写作范文解析的一部分,接下来讲为大家整理更多,敬请期待!

相关链接: gre写作 如何清楚表达自己的逻辑思维



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