

GRE Issue作文重点题目:教育目的.

2017/08/09 17:42:02 编辑: 浏览次数:238 移动端

  下面是澳际小编为大家搜集整理的关于教育目的的GRE Issue作文重点题目,教育一直是写作中容易出的题目,希望各位考生可以在平时多收集一些这样的素材,希望对大家有所帮助。

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  Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fields of study that will prepare them for lucrative careers.


  The arguer asserts that most people choose a career not on the basis of his or her natural talents or interest in a particular kind of work but only on pragmatic considerations. As far as I am concerned, I concede that there are quite a few of people choose a career on pragmatic considerations in this pragmatic world. However, there are still so many individuals choose a career based on their natural talents and interest. In addition, natural talents and interest not always conflict with pragmatic considerations.

  1. Admittedly, many people choose a career on the basis of pragmatic considerations such as the needs of the economy, the relative ease of finding a job, and the salary they can expect to make, which is reasonable in today’s society:

  1) To earn a living

  2) To get fortune, fame, and promotion.

  3) To further develop the interest: Only when one’s living is under security could one have the freedom to choose what he likes or interest in.

  2. However, the author has made an over-generalization in regards to factors determining career seeking when he or she claims that people choose their jobs only based on such pragmatic concerns as expected salary rather than their talents or interests. If this was generally true, why so many people work in the unprofitable occupations. We can see that there are certainly someone is free to choose a career based on their natural talents or interest regardless of pragmatic considerations.

  1) Many scholars are living a poor life

  2) Many scientists dedicate themselves to the improvement for the better conditions of human being, caring little about the feedback

  3) Many artists, such as musicians and painters.

  3. Furthermore, these two aspects are actually not contradictory: one might be able to choose a career based on individual interest or natural talents, as well as the decent pay.

  1) Take NBA players as an instance. Getting pragmatic rewards such as money, is not an end, but rather a means of obtaining mental content and of attaining important goals.


  The most reasonable way of decision making concerning career seeking is to best fulfill one&aposs pragmatic concerns without violating one&aposs value, talent and interests. If we cannot fulfill both, we must choose the one which we concern much more than the other.

  以上便是关于教育目的的GRE Issue作文重点题目了,各位考生可以选择其中的一些语句来进行总结背诵,做到熟练掌握这个话题,祝大家考试顺利!

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