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The surest indicator of a great nation is represented not by the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but by the general welfare of its people.
1. It is true that the general welfare of its all people is a reliable indicator of a great nation. The welfare of the people, including the living condition, social security system and charity of developed country is often far better than those of developing countries.
2. On the other hand, however, the achievements of its rulers, artists and scientists are of equal important, which by their way bring the aim of welfare of its people into fruition.
1) As what is mentioned above, when we speak of “promoting the general welfare”, we rer to the following index: public health and safety, security against invasion, individual liberty and freedom as well as a high standard of living, while all of these are brought about by its rulers, artists and scientist.
2) Scientific and technological achievements serve in the first place to enhance a nation’s general welfare. (Advance in medical treatment, transportation, communication, etc.)
3) Artistic achievements could not be neglected, though. They help to make a nation a better place to reside. (Provide inspiration, life people’s spirit and bring about creativity and imagination, all of which spur us to make more accomplishments.)
4) Yet the achievements of artists and scientist, while integral, are insufficient. The military and diplomatic accomplishment of its leaders could neither be ignored in the general welfare of a nation. (The War of Independence)
以上便是关于国家政治策的GRE Issue作文重点题目了,各位考生可以选择其中的一些语句来进行总结背诵,做到熟练掌握这个话题,祝大家考试顺利!
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲