

新GRE issue写作范文:直接和间接经验.

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  以下是关于直接和间接经验的新GRE issue写作范文实例,通过这些GRE写作范文或是习作,考生可以学习一下里面的短语、句子或思路,给自己的写作找一些思路和灵感。


  We learn though direct experience; to accept a theory without experiencing it is to learn nothing at all.



  In this complicated and technology advanced world, learning becomes more significant than ever bore. For an individual, he must find best ways to learn fectively. Here,the speaker of the title statement gives us his answer concerning how to study.However, he seems to oversimplify the ways of learning, which not only contain experiencing but other means, such as analogy, observation, deducing, synthesis and even imagination.

  It is admitted that though experiencing we can learn a lot. But only when an individual want to master some kind of skill or the like, experiencing serves the best way. For instance, only through practicing again and again can one learn to ride a bicycle. In this kind of learning, such as how to drive a car, how to swim, how to cook and how to speak a foreign language, more experience and practice, more skilled he would be.However, in such skill-type learning, other means are not so fective or even have no use at all. Also take the riding a bicycle for example. Does anyone think that one can be a skilled rider just by deducing or analogy? Perhaps no one could say yes. So in conclusion, if one wants to master some kind of skill, the best way is experiencing and practicing.

  Some times maybe one could learn something by experiencing, but one should not have to do so, since there is other better ways to choose. For example, if someone wants to know how a skyscraper is built, he would not to be a worker and build the big building himself. What one should do is just observation. If he likes to learn more, he should learn some fundamental knowledge such as architecture and physics. Or a manager of a supermarket needs to know how his rival supermarkets operate, he have not to be the employee or manager of his rival company. The better way is making some investigation first, and then making proper analogy and comprehensive analysis. However, in some cases, there is no feasibility to practice or no possibility to experience some certain theory or event. For example, the special theory of relativity tells us that when an object’s velocity is close to that of light, time would be much slower or even stop with respect to the object. It is true that one would have much deeper understanding concerning the principle if he or she experiences this great theory; but can anybody have the confidence to manage to achieve that fantastic speed now or in 50 years later in future? For most common ones, some theories can only be learned by other ways. Another example: in almost all cases, what a detective desperately wants to know is what the real situation of the scene of the crime is when the criminal committed his offence. But it is clearly impossible to experience the crime again. However, the detective has to rely on deducing, analyzing, or even imagination.

  In addition, when coming to science, it is necessary to take advantage of as many methods as possible to discover new facts and explain certain phenomenon. Typically, the process of scientific research is as follows: first advancing a new hypothesis—imagination; second conducting series of experiments—experiencing; then analyzing the results of the experiments—deducing and synthesizing. So In science and many other areas, methods of learning can not be separated mechanically and artificially.

  In conclusion, it is absurd to say that without experiencing one can not learn anything at all. Only in the learning of certain kind of skills, experiencing is the most fective way. And if one wants to learn different things in different fields, one should take advantage of all the possible methods.

  以上便是关于直接和间接经验的新GRE issue写作范文,各位考生在新GRE写作练习中应加强对思维逻辑的重视,平时注意积累论据论证素材,注意借鉴一些新GRE写作范文,来吸收其精华,提高自己的写作水平。

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