


2017/08/09 15:10:27 编辑: 浏览次数:268 移动端


  26"Most people would agree that buildings represent a valuable record of any society&aposs past, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes. In such situations, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served."


  1、承认随着 modernization许多古老建不符合经济发展需要,只能拆掉


  history textbooks, provide vivid education for young generation cultural heritage for descendants, tourism resources; can never be restored


  integrate the preservation of historic buildings with modern development

  store, entertainment and relaxation









  1 部分历史建筑的文化, 艺术和经济价值决定它们应该被保护。

  2 另外一部分历史建筑缺乏上述价值, 所以应该被现代建筑所代替

  3 所以在现代化规划中, 人们应该综合考虑利弊,合理进行选择。

  4 总之,我们应该尽量保护历史建筑,但是当现在发展需求的利益大于保护古建筑的利益时,我们应该牺牲古代建筑来满足当代的发展。

  * Save valuable resources and reca lls a community’s goal and dreams ,一个民族的文化与历史就是通过历史遗迹来保留的,所以为了后代保留这项历史建筑,故宫,大雁塔,西安城墙带来经济利益。保护古代建筑好的城市吸引更多游客,使他们停留更久花钱更多。A recent travel industry survey over 40% Americans visiting historic place, battlield, building spent 40% more than typical traverler.西安,北京

  当矛盾出现时候,如果历史建筑有历史价值,保留意义,应该保护。否则一旦破坏,无法恢复比如西安的城墙 circumvallation ,已经有 700 年的历史了,是世界上保存最完整的城墙,当时为了修火车站,就拆除了一段城墙,这样就破坏了城墙的完整性。使得城墙不能再恢复其原貌。

  *"Most people would agree that buildings represen t a valuable record of any society&aposs past, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground that modern pl anners feel could be better used for modern purposes. In such situations, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served."




  2.此外,很多历史建筑已经成为了当地的标志 emblem,很好的旅游景点等,因此要尽量保护。




  一、Owing to the complexity, 不能 irrespective/indiscriminately, Balance ,保留一部分,或者改建

  二、有些该拆 In a developing city, vacant lands for modern development are indeed essential for citygrowth.

  1.旧房子跟现代化冲突,老北京 replete with one-storey hous e, raze, make a way for new

  2.如果跟实际迫切需求冲突,如建医院 satisfy increasing health care needs

  三、但有些是时代象征,极具文化价值 as old buildings may be valuable not only in architecture, may even be a hallmark of a time, or a culture carrier of the city

  1.拆了就没了 irreversible ,仿制品description literatures or replications 也不 as stunning as

  2 .文化传承 Egypt Pyramid pilgrimage, Babylon 留下来的少,Greece, Parthenon Temple, column,fountainhead

  四、 To strike a balance among competing interests, some old buildings should be conserved while some are not, 虽然who can decide the fate of these buildings这篇文章不解决了

  1.平房保留一部分 representative are sanctioned to survive

  2. 保留 places of interest Imperial Palace, emblem

  3.或者改建,Louvre Museum 从palace retrofit

  26T "Most people would agree that buildings represent a valuable record of any society&aposs past, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground that modern pl anners feel could be better used for modern purposes. In such situations, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served." 26. 很多人认为建筑代


  ① 历史建筑代表了一个民族的过去,不光是现代人、也是后代人的财富。Historic buildings are irrecoverable resources we should preserve not only for ourselves but also for our descendants and representatives of our national past.

  ② 很多历史建筑具有审美价值 aesthetic value、或者代表了一个时代的奇迹 wonder,能吸引旅游从而促进经济。

  如:Great wall. Pyramid Historic buildings are valuable records of a society’s past, and they serve more as travel attractions, city emblems.

  ③ 对于那些Some old buildings which are of less value and in bad state can be removed for contemporary needs。因为经济的发展城市越来越拥挤,现代的建筑更实用,更能满足人类的需求。


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