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38"In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books."
record events in a more accurate and convincing way
deliver information with both audio and video signals
large coverage, politics, science, arts, entertainment; updated information
International politics
1 定义学习-获得知识,解答疑惑
2 电视,优点-声画合一,生动表现易于记忆;缺点-流动性,信息停留时间短+强制性,无法自主选择,拍摄带有主观色彩+片面性,因为针对受众广泛,所以涉及不深
3 书本-历史久远,涉及几乎所有范围+易于携带,电视不能到哪都看+易于复制和传播+很多东西画面无法表现出来
1 .承认电视是某些领域好:Admittedly, 。。。holds certain advantages over。。。For the purpose of documenting and conveying。。。
最时时的消息 newest.latest 画面感 temporal, spatial events
比如:911 事件;印度洋海啸
2.但是书有书的好:However, the speaker overlooks several re spects in which books are inherently superior to television
2)有些无法替代书本。比如:textbook 电视很难理论公式讲,要看推断演义过程要反复咀嚼。电视倾向 emotion development; 书本可以 intellect ,reasoning
perspective and insigh
3)书随身携带 portable,比如:上班的地铁上,大巴上;比如记单词。
总结:staying abreast of current affairs, 。。。books facilitate learning 。。。he optimal approach is to use both media side by side
38 电视媒体有很多有点。documenting and conveying temporal, spatial events and experiences 。比如通过电视节目来了解动物的生活习性,或者表现山川河流的壮观景色来吸引游客。Thus the speaker&aposs claim has some merit when it comes to arts education an d to learning about modern and current events.世界每天发生很多事件,很难及时通过书来了解,电视提供了便利的条件。比如在大选期间,人们通过电视很容易了解候选人的政治主张,如果用书来,很难同样的效果
但是对于学习抽象的理论和哲学,人们需要深刻的思考。而阅读书籍可以引发人们的思考,而且描述很准确。比如学习孔子的思想 Confucius ,很难通过一个电视节目讲出它的精髓,需要自己通过阅读与思考去领悟。书籍其他有点。便于携带,随时随地可以阅读。不详电视只能固定地点收看。而且书可以重复阅读,不同的时侯会有不同的理解。很多人有这样的经验,小时候度过的小说也许并不理解作者的思想,但是后来重看会有更深的体会。不能忽略电视的缺点,电视节目追求的收视率 audience rating ,利润,而不是让人们获得知识。于是庸俗的电视剧会更多的占据电视的时间,迎合人们本能而不是理智。比如电视中的暴力,色情内容,反而有害。
【题目】"In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books."
1 television can impart and disse minate temporal and new events more rapidly than books In the political realm, the citizens could understand the political proceedings as soon as possible by watching television broadcasting.
2 in the business field, consumers could know the necessary information about the products by the advertisements on TV
3 books are far more portable than television se ts and main approach for most people to gain knowledge in their primary time, and cultivate good reading habits
4 the controllers of the television stations always withhold some information from audiences but books do not.
一、电视确实有好处,但在 study 上pales, 因为不能表现 logical and profound visions
二. 电视有好处
1.传播快速,vividly, broad range
2.G8,政策 press conference televised,新年音乐会,discovery
3.电视promote communication among 世界人民, convey events instantly vividly in the spotlight
1.书在探索已知领域更加 fective,usher, 更高层次的理解
2.书能表达逻辑和思维路径。How to...
3. 书容易引起共鸣,light pierce the darkness
4.电视dazzling but superficial,不能afford the delight of finding a spirit mentor
四、reading is a more active process than television, a relatively passive one.
1. 电视播出时间有限,为吸引观众,需要夸大甚至扭曲事实以增强娱乐性
2.书籍在内容上将没什么限制,因为受众范围广,sympathetic ear
3. Moreover, 人人都有经验 lying as couch potatoes 等最喜欢的节目,浪费时间精力
4.但书籍 portable, anywhere, any time
五、profound viewpoints, systemic method of analysis, and uplifting communication up to the spirit level, an active process meeting to individual interests, while the remo te narrows our choices.
38T "In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books."
* 在电视机时代,阅读书籍已经没有原来那样重要了。人们从电视上学到的东西丝毫不比从书本中学来的少
Though each has its advantages, television and books are not capable to win over each other.
① With regard to the appealing traits and easygoing nature, television can help a lot in study.
② 但有些是电视做不到的 如:A 大思想家、大科学家的著作难以从电视中学习。B review cross-rerence
③ 除了②,书籍的优点也不少。A 有选择性、主动性 Reading books is an active process, where we can make choice of what, when and to which extent we want to learn B 更深刻 C 易于携带。
④ 各有千秋。人们正把两者的优点结合起来。如:报纸、杂志就是这种结合。
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲