


2017/08/09 14:57:52 编辑: 浏览次数:329 移动端


  34"Instead of requiring students to take courses in a variety of disciplines—that is, courses ranging from the arts and the humanities to the physical and biological sciences—colleges and universities should allow students to enroll only in those courses that will help prepare them for jobs in their chosen fields. Such concentration is necessary in today&aposs increasingly work-oriented society."   * 应当在强制全面的基础上,留有充足的可选择空间让学生选择专业深入学习   1、从教育的目的来说,学习多种课程是有益的;对社会,培养全面的人才;对个人;   Studying various disciplines keeps one balanced in the society. Those who concentrate in only job related courses will inevitable find themselves limited in everyday life. students major in do not know how to appreciate arts and literature, students   2、事实上,很少有人能够实现确定一个方向以后一直学习或者从事工作,其兴趣可能改变,机遇不同也可能会从事专业领域以外的工作;   3、专注专业的学习也是必须的,可以掌握特定的技能,有利于进行深入研究,例如现在我们大学都选专业,深入学习。   以上就是关于手拟GRE作文提纲解析,考生们需要重视提纲的作用,在准备和复习新GRE作文时候非常有用处,也是提高GRE作文技巧之一。希望考生们能够认真准备GRE作文提纲,考出理想成绩。
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