


2017/08/09 14:57:25 编辑: 浏览次数:291 移动端


  35"No matter what the situation, it is more harmful to compromise one&aposs belis than to adhere to them."   35 部分同意   1、坚持信念可以走向成功   Mary Curie adhere to her beli; Beethoven; helon Keller   Marie Curie&aposs beli-there must be some new matter with the feature of radioactive concealing in the industrial wastes-had enabled her to work arduously and tenaciously, and eventually given birth to the discovery of Radium, whic h wan Marie Curie the Nobel Prize and meanwhile contributed significantly to the progress of medical science.   2、不能盲目的坚持,如果我们坚持的东西是错误的话,否则必将走向失败;如:希特勒   The most egregious example to illustrate this point involves Hitler, whose beli that the Jews presented potential harm to him and his countrymen was completely ridiculous and fantastic, which ultimately resulted in the tragic mass persecution and even genocide.   3、有时,为了成功我们也需要暂时的妥协;如卧薪尝胆的故事,就是在力量弱的时候妥协争取生存和发展的机会,以期待日后的崛起   long march of Chinese army   以上就是关于手拟GRE作文提纲解析,考生们需要重视提纲的作用,在准备和复习新GRE作文时候非常有用处,也是提高GRE作文技巧之一。希望考生们能够认真准备GRE作文提纲,考出理想成绩。
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