

新GRE作文范文the study of history分享.

2017/08/09 12:40:45 编辑: 浏览次数:400 移动端
新GRE写作范文对于备考新GRE写作具有很大的意义,考生在备考的时候,如果能够多背诵一些新GRE写作范文,并学以致用,那么对于GRE写作水平的提高将会有很大的帮助。下面澳际教育小编就给大家分享一篇新GRE写作范文。   本文澳际教育GRE考试频道为大家提供一篇关于the study of history的新GRE写作范文。   "The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives."   Sample Essay   To state that the study of history is only valuable if it is relevant to our daily lives is to ignore the value that history has beyond the day-to-day activities of human beings. It would seem to be a rather shallow statement that implies that humans only live just to survive rather than planning for the futures of their children and the environment.   First of all, to study history is to look at a road map of human behavior that has led us to where we are today in the world. For example, the lessons learned during all of the past wars can make for more fective wartime leadership by avoiding mistakes made by past commanders. From the ancient Chinese author Sun Tzu’s book "The Art of War", today’s military commanders and even business leaders gather valuable information that allows them to operate more ficiently and fectively. The study of this type of history has a value beyond the daily lives of people. It can lead to a military victory or the success of a business that directly affects what happens in the future, including the futures of those that are possibly not even born yet.   Another example is that by studying history, parents can help to improve the lives of their children in the future. Lessons learned by generations of their ancestors bore them could help show them the way to properly raise a child. What worked for others can give guidance to the parents of today and tomorrow to make sure that children are prepared for their own futures beyond their daily lives.   Additionally, the study of medical advances made throughout history can be the foundation to build upon to make the medical advances of today and tomorrow to make people live longer and healthier lives. A researcher’s daily life may not be enhanced by the study of the history of the AIDS pathogen, but it could certainly bring about a profound fect on the lives of others in the future if ways to control and cure the disease are found. The study of previous research over history has led to many amazing medical discoveries. To study history only to enrich one’s daily life would here again seem to be incongruous with the truth.   A further example of the value of the study of history beyond its fect on daily life is the treatment of the environment and the earth as a whole. Looking back to the past to see the various fects of various human behaviors on the environment can show valuable lessons on what can happen if proper precautions are not taken. The nuclear accidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl have been studied to ensure that they do not happen again. Certainly the study of the fects of nuclear materials on humans and the environment provides value beyond that of the day-to-day life of people. The study of oil spills and their fects on the environment gives similar guidance on how to avoid or at least minimize the damage of an oil spill on the environment. The study of the disintegration of the ozone layer over the poles of the earth has given birth to new laws and regulations on certain chemicals that help to preserve this valuable part of our atmosphere. All of these examples of studying history provide value far beyond its impact on the daily lives of people.   To be certain, there are people out there that believe that only what affects them right here and right now is important. For them, the study of history might seem to be a waste of time if it does not affect their day-to-day lives. But for countless other individuals and groups, the study of history leads to improvements in activities that have an fect reaching far into the future, beyond their daily lives. The futures of mankind and the environment depend on these types of people who have enough foresight to study history to make for a better future for everyone. (690 words)   以上就是小编给大家分享的关于the study of history的新GRE写作范文,考生在备考新GRE写作的时候,可以借鉴文章分享的优秀范文,希望能够帮助考生提高新GRE写作水平。   澳际六步曲第二步为您进行考试指导,澳际培训核心思维颠覆国内传统大班无差异化批发模式,采取一对一个性化教学,辅之小班精英辅导应试方法和学生英语能力结合,考试辅导和留学规划一体化行动,学生国际化英语思维构建及西方人文知识和视野的开拓并重。   我们具体的服务项目如下:   1. 免费测评模考,分析申请人的问题,制作考试测评报告和备考指导   2. 结合申请人的申请目标和考试基础,制定考试整体规划及时间安排   3. 提供对申请人有帮助的考试经验和机经等   4. 根据需要提供免费口语模拟和指导服务   5. 免费修改作文4篇   6. 考前心理指导,调整考前心理状态   (注:口语模拟和作文修改服务提供时间为每年2月28日-8月1日)
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