

数学也有套路 GRE数学出题原则概述.

刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:216 移动端



  ●All numbers used are real numbers;

  ●All figures lie on a plane unless otherwise indicated;

  ●All angle measures are positive;

  ●All lines shown as straight are straight. On the computer-based test, lines that appear“jagged" can also be assumed to be straight (lines can look somewhat jagged on the computer screen):

  ●Figures are intended to provide usul information for answering the questions. However,except where a figure is accompanied by a“Note" stating that the figure is drawn tO scale, solve the problem using your knowledge of mathematics, not by visual measurement or estimation.

  细心的读者会发现,上述假设实际上就是ETS 出题原则,即:





  ●伴随问题的图形将为解题提供有用的信息。但是,只有在问题中指出本图形是按比例画出(drawn to scale)时,才可以用目测或估计而得到的信息去解题。否则,只能运用你的数学知识去回答问题。这一解题原则可以简称为“只能读图,不能度量”的原则。


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