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  GRE考试数学考点:Solve Equation of One Variable   Solve Equation of One Variable   To solve a linear equation isolate the variable, that is bring the variable to one side with arithmetic operations.   Example:   To solve ax+b=c use the following steps:   1.ax+b=c, subtract b from both sides   2.ax=c-b, divide both sides by a   3.x=(c-b)/a   Remember:   All linear equations of one variable can be written as ax+b=c and the solution is x=(c-b)/a.   GRE考试数学考点:Substitution   Substitution   Substitution is a method where one or more variables in an expression is replaced by numbers or another set of variables.To evaluate an expression specific numbers are used as substitute. To express in terms of another set of variables, variables are replaced by the new set of variables.   Example:   If x=3, then 2x2+4x+1 can be evaluated by substituting 3 for x.   Replacing all x by 3, we get 2*32+4*3+1=31.   If x=2+y, then x2-3 can be expressed in terms of y by replacing all x by (2+y):(2+y)2-3=y2+4y+1.   Remember:   Do not forget to replace all occurrences of the variable.   After substitution the variable does not appear anywhere in the expression.   以上就是新GRE数学考点及GRE数学考点解析的介绍,希望这些知识点的介绍可以帮助大家复习新GRE数学,为大家复习新GRE数学提供条件。希望考生们认真复习新GRE数学考试,能够取得自己理想的成绩。澳际也会不断的为大家分享更多有助于考生们复习考试的新GRE考试材料及技巧。
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