


2017/08/09 05:37:17 编辑: 浏览次数:230 移动端

  GRE数学部分考试大纲及试卷介绍。下面为大家介绍GRE专项考试数学部分常识问题,其中包括GRE sub考试数学部分考试大纲及试卷介绍。希望考生们按照官方要求,认真复习GRE专项数学考试。下面和澳际小编一起来看看吧:

  CALCULUS — 50%

  Material learned in the usual sequence of elementary calculus courses — differential and integral calculus of one and of several variables — includes calculus-based applications and connections with coordinate geometry, trigonometry, differential equations and other branches of mathematics.

  ALGEBRA — 25%

  · Elementary algebra: basic algebraic techniques and manipulations acquired in high school and used throughout mathematics

  · Linear algebra: matrix algebra, systems of linear equations, vector spaces, linear transformations, characteristic polynomials and eigenvalues and eigenvectors

  · Abstract algebra and number theory: elementary topics from group theory, theory of rings and modules, field theory and number theory


  · Introductory real analysis: sequences and series of numbers and functions, continuity, differentiability and integrability, and elementary topology of R and Rn

  · Discrete mathematics: logic, set theory, combinatorics, graph theory and algorithms

  · Other topics: general topology, geometry, complex variables, probability and statistics, and numerical analysis

  以上就是GRE专项数学考试常识的一些介绍,从上面大家可以看出,GRE sub数学部分要求的是一种什么样的知识,我们应该怎么按照要求复习。同学们在gre备考时多积累练习,才可以在gre考试中运用的得心应手。澳际小编预祝同学们在gre考试中取得好的成绩。

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