


2017/08/09 04:56:20 编辑: 浏览次数:296 移动端
如何备考新GRE数学考试呢?大家都知道,想要在GRE数学考试中取得高分,就要在平时的复习中多做习题练习,下面就给大家整理一些新GRE数学考试题,供大家练习。   新GRE数学考试精选练习题整理如下,希望能够帮助您攻克新GRE数学。   Passage 4   A person who is drawing up a will has exactly five potential heirs-S, T, U, V, and W. The estate will distribute exactly seven lots of land, which are numbered 1 through 7. All seven lots will be distributed, subject to the following restrictions:   No lot is to be shared, and no heir can inherit more than three lots.   Whoever inherits lot 2 cannot inherit any other lot.   No heir can inherit both lot 3 and lot 4.en.Examw.CoM   If S inherits one or more lots, then U cannot inherit any.   If S inherits lot 2, then T must inherit lot 4.   W must inherit lot 6 but cannot inherit lot 3.   1. If S inherits lot 2 ,who must inherit lot 3?   (A) S (B) T (C) U (D) V (E) W   2. If S inherits lot 2 and three heirs inherit two lots each, no one can inherit both lots   (A) 1 and 3 (B) 1 and 6 (C) 1 and 7   (D) 4 and 5 (E) 6 and 7   3. If U and V inherit no lots, which of the following must inherit three lots?   (A) S only (B) T only (C) W only   (D) Both S and T (E) Both S and W   以上就是小编给大家整理的新GRE数学考试的精选练习题,参加GRE考试的考生,可以通过本文练习这些习题,并总结解题思路,希望能够对您的GRE数学考试有所帮助。 澳际培训在国内首家推出专职"学习规划师"和"留学规划师"制度,对学生全程规划、全程跟踪,全程反馈。我们汇聚了国内外顶级名师,平均教学经验在5年以上,并实行八对一尊享服务--课程规划师,留学规划师,阅读教师,写作教师,听力教师,口语教师,语法教师,词汇教师等八位一体。完善的留学服务保证,整合了十年留学服务经验,让我们能将一流培训和申请服务全程有机结合。澳际50%学子都获得TOEFL 100和SAT 2000以上的分数。 澳际六步曲第二步考试指导具体服务项目如下: 1. 免费测评模考,分析申请人的问题,制作考试测评报告和备考指导 2. 结合申请人的申请目标和考试基础,制定考试整体规划及时间安排 3. 提供对申请人有帮助的考试经验和机经等 4. 根据需要提供免费口语模拟和指导服务 5. 免费修改作文4篇 6. 考前心理指导,调整考前心理状态 (注:口语模拟和作文修改服务提供时间为每年2月28日-8月1日)详细了解澳际教育考试服务www.aoji.cn


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