


2017/08/09 04:52:43 编辑: 浏览次数:281 移动端
细节是我们复习GRE考试提到的比较多的,复习数学最需要大家掌握细节。能取得不错的GRE分数的同学细节掌握的都比较好,从平常做GRE数学题就能看出来,下面澳际小编重点给大家分享一些符号的常识:   + plus ;positive   - minus ;negative   × multiplied by ;times   ÷ divided by   = equals   ≈ approximately equals   ≠ not equal to   < less than   > greater than   ≤ equal to or less than   ≥ equal to or greater than o   ( ) round brackets ;parentheses   [ ] square brackets   { } braces   ∈ is a member of the set   ? is a subset of   ∽ similar to   ≌ congruent to   * denotes an operation   ∴ therore   ∵ because   ∶ ratio sign, divided by, is to   ∷ equals, as(proportion)   ∥ parallel to   ⊥ perpendicular to, at right angles with   ∠ angle   ∟ right angle   o degree   ′ minute   ″ second   ⊙ circle   A?B arc AB   e the base of natural logarithms,approx.2.71828   x! factorial x, x(x-1)(x-2)---1   lognx log x to the base n   π pi   lnx log x to the base e(natural logarithm)   lgx log x to the base 10(common logarithm)   |x| the absolute value of x   上述就是小编总结GRE考试数学部分的符号,细节是GRE分数中必不可少的部分。考生们做GRE数学题的时候要重点的关注一下,这些数学符号希望大家都能掌握。   澳际六步曲体系 TSSS源于经验、责任、使命、灵感和天才,充分凝聚每一个澳际人的智慧以及数千个名校成功录取案例的经验。澳际引进世界顶级咨询公司先进咨询服务模型和西方职业评估体系基础上,结合申请人在海外求学路上的切实困惑和需求,开创出来的全新留学服务体系。“澳际六步曲”的宗旨是打破传统留学中介代理的服务模式,关注就业,重视科学职业规划,强调授人以“渔”。协助申请人创建自己从未意识到的申请名校的竞争优势(Create your own edge)。澳际旨在成为中国留学行业的改革者和新规则的制定者。我们要破除已有的习惯性思维,推行同样的变革和创新。
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