


2017/08/08 21:20:24 编辑: 浏览次数:109 移动端


  28. Which of the following most probably provides an appropriate analogy from human morphology for the “details” versus “constraints” distinction made in the passage in relation to human behavior?(5)



  解释:本句子在所有GRE或GMAT阅读题的题干中是最难读懂的题干之一。本句不但结构复杂,而且用词抽象,使得读者如果想根据语义来搞清楚谁修饰谁,也变得极为困难。分析如下:本句的主干是Which of the following provides an analogy for the details versus constraints distinction?. Versus是一个介词,等于against,即体育比赛中的VS。其他的所有成分均是一些修饰成分。其中一个对答题最重要的限制条件是from human morphology, 说明这种类比的比较双方所比的必须是人类形态上的特征。

  意群训练:Which of the followingmost probablyprovides an appropriate analogyfrom human morphologyfor the "details"versus "constraints"distinction made in the passagein relation tohuman behavior?

  29.A low number of algal cells in the presence of a high number of grazers suggested,but did not prove,that the grazers had removed most of the algae.(3+)



  解释:本句主语很长,而且谓语suggested与that引导的宾语从句间被插入语but did not prove隔开,造成阅读障碍。当suggest与but did not prove连在一起使用的时候,其意思不是建议,而是指一种基于主观臆测的推理,中文翻译成“暗示”。其英文释义为:to call to mind by though or association the explosion suggested sabotage。GRE、GMAT及LSAT文章中,常用suggest,but do not prove来描述一种没有真凭实据、可能有问题的理论,然后在后面的叙述中把它否定掉。

  意群训练:A low number ofalgal cellsin the presence ofa high number ofgrazers suggested,but did not prove,that the grazers had removedmost of the algae.

  30. Perhaps the fact many of these first studies considered only algae of a size that could be collected in a net (net phytoplankton), a practice that overlooked the smaller phytoplankton (nannoplankton) that we now know grazers are most likely to feed on , led to a de-emphasis of the role of grazers in subsequent research.(5)



  解释:句子的结构繁杂。句子的主语令人吃惊地长,在最后一个逗号后的led以前,全是主语!其实句子的主干简单,就是the fact led to a de-emphasis of the role of grazers。但是本句的主语the fact后面的修饰成分长得吓人,先是个定语从句;定语从句中又套了一个定语从句。然后逗号后面的a practice引导的部分是前面的主语的同位语兼任插入语,practice后面的修饰它的一大堆东西又是定语从句套着定语从句。本句是典型的层层修饰结构。

  意群训练:Perhaps the fact thatmany ofthese first studiesconsidered only algaeof a sizethat could be collectedin a net(net phytoplankton), a practice thatoverlooked the smallerphytoplankton (nannoplankton)that we now knowgrazersare most likelyto feed on, led to a de-emphasisof the role of grazersin subsequent research.


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