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31. Studies by Hargrave and Geen estimated natural community grazing rates by measuring feeding rates of individual zooplankton species in the laboratory and then computing community grazing rates for field conditions using the known population density of grazers. (5)
By以前结构无需解释,by以后有两个作介词宾语短语的动名词结构,measuring和后面表示并列和顺接的and then之后的computing,说的是计算方法;前一个measuring说的是先算出实验室中浮游动物品种的单位捕食速率,后面的computing前其实省略了一个by,而且在这个动名词结构中还包括一个分词结构using the known population density of grazers,用已知的捕食者的种群密度计算出其野外的群体捕食速率。整个的by以后的计算过程简单了就是:实验室单位速率×野外密度=野外群体速率。
另外本句中的词汇也颇有迷惑性;虽然没有太难的单词,但是很多单词都是同义词和反义词,容易让人读混;(斜线分隔同义词,冒号分隔反义词)estimate / measure / compute; feeding rates / grazing rates; zooplankton / grazers; natural/field; laboratory community; individual
意群训练:Studies by Hargrave and Geenestimated natural community graz-ing ratesby measuringfeeding rates of individual zooplankton species in the laboratoryand then computingcommunity grazing ratesfor field conditions using the knownpopulation density of grazers.
32.In the periods of peak zooplankton abundance,that is,in the late spring and in the summer,Haney recorded maximum daily community grazing rates,for nutrient-poor lakes and bog lakes,respectively,of 6.6 percent and 114 percent of daily phytoplankton production.(3+)
解释:句中有两组插入语,每组两个插入语,尤其是第二组,把rate of从中间劈开。不过因为句义尚好理解,所以本句只是有一点别扭,但不算太难。
意群训练:In the periodsofpeak zooplankton abundance,that is,in the late spring and in the summer,Haney recordedmaximum daily community grazing rates,for nutrient-poor lakesand bog lakes,respectively,of 6.6 percentand 114 percent ofdaily phytoplankton production.
33.The hydrologic cycle,a major topic in this science,is the complete cycle of phenomena through which water passes,beginning as atmospheric water vapor,passing into liquid and solid form as precipitation,thence along and into the ground surface,and finally again returning to the form of atmospheric water vapor by means of evaporation and transpiration.(4)
水文循环(hydrologic cycle),作为该学科中的一个主要课题,指的是水所经过的诸现象的整个循环过程,开始时是作为大气中的水蒸气,转而作为雨、雪、露、雹一类的降水量经过液体和固体形态,由此而沿着地层表面分布或进入地层表面,最终通过蒸发和散发作用再度回复到大气水蒸气的形态。
解释:beginning开始的一系列分词都是修饰主语The hydrologic cycle,分别是beginning / passing / passing / returning。值得注意的是,thence along and into the ground surface 是thence passing along and entering into the ground surface的省略形式,但是看上去意思却很清楚。类似这样的省略,是出题者合理地利用了省略来达到改编学术论文时压缩文章篇幅的目的。
意群训练:The hydrologic cycle,a major topicin this science,is the completecycle of phenomenathrough which water passes,beginning asatmospheric water vapor,passing into liquidand solid form as precipitation,thence along and intothe ground surface,and finally again returningto the form of atmosphericwater vaporby means ofevaporation and transpiration.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲