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  Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following reading passage.

  Scholarship on political newspapers and their editors is dominated by the view that as the United States grew, the increasing influence of the press led, ultimately, to the neutral reporting from which we benit today. Pasley considers this view oversimplified, because neutrality was not a goal of early national newspaper editing, even when editors disingenuously stated that they aimed to tell all sides of a story. Rather, the intensely partisan ideologies represented in newspapers of the early republic led to a clear demarcation between traditional and republican values. The editors responsible for the papers&apos content ―especially those with republican agendas ―began to see themselves as central figures in the development of political consciousness in the United States.

  10. In the context in which it appears, "disingenuously" most nearly means

  A. insincerely

  B. guilelessly

  C. obliquely

  D. resolutely

  E. pertinaciously





  更为重要的是,从新老GRE的官方OG来看,GRE阅读考察共有13项能力,首当其冲的就是“understanding the meaning of individual words.” 显然,词汇量,是阅读理解的基础。经过研究新GRE的官方OG中的阅读文章可以得出结论,新GRE阅读中的词汇难度有了明显的上升,这种上升是由于老GRE中的类反单词进入文章和题目引起的。以下例子中可以反映出该结论。


  “a person who agrees to serve as mediator between two warring factions at the request of both abandons by so agreeing the right to take sides later. To take sides at a later point would be to suggest that the earlier presumptive impartiality was a sham.”


  类比:intercessor: mediate= translator: interpret

  consensus: factionalism=expedition:foot-dragging

  反义:faction <> unity

  factional <> ecumenical

  factious <> cooperative

  debunk <> perpetuate to sham

  sham <> genuine



  “Was Felix Mendelssohn(1809-1847) a great composer? On its face, the question seems absurd. One of the most gifted prodigies in the history of music, he produced his first masterpiece at sixteen. From then on, he was recognized as an artist of preternatural abilities, not only as a composer but also as a pianist and conductor. But Mendelssohn’s enduring popularity has often been at odds—sometimes quite sharply—with his critical standing. Despite general acknowledgement of his genius, there has been a noticeable reluctance to rank him with, say, Schumann or Brahms. As Haggin put it, Mendelssohn, as a composer, was a “minor master…working on a small scale of emotion and texture.”


  类比:prodigy: person= miracle: occurrence

  反义:preternatural <> ordinary/prosaic


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