


2017/08/08 21:07:38 编辑: 浏览次数:100 移动端


  86.Not only are liver transplants never rejected,but they even induce a state of donor-specific unresponsiveness in which subsequent transplants of other organs,such as skin,from that donor are accepted permanently.(4)

  但是,我们已经发现,在许多种老鼠之间,这些移植法的“常规”并没有被肝脏移植物所遵循。肝脏移植物非但从没遭到过排斥,甚至还诱发了一种供者特异性无应答状态(donor-specific unresponsiveness),在此状态中,随后来自那个供者其它器官的移植物,如皮肤,会永久地被接受。


  解释:Not only放在句首时谓语被提前,这种倒装对我们的读者来讲不算什么新鲜事。干扰度比较大的是在修饰unresponsiveness的定语从句in which subsequent transplants of other organs, such as skin, from that donor are accepted permanently中,插入语such as skin和前面的transplants搭配的from that donor共同作用,反复地打断读者的思路,使得从句中主语和谓语不能连贯。

  意群训练:Not onlyare liver transplantsnever rejected,but they eveninduce a state ofdonor-specificunresponsivenessinwhichsubsequent transplantsof other organs,such as skin,from that donorare acceptedpermanently.

  87. As rock interface are crossed, the elastic characteristics encountered (by seismic waves) generally change abruptly, which causes part of the energy to be rlected back to the surface, where it is recorded by seismic instruments.(4)



  解释:绝大多数人读到the elastic characteristics encountered generally change abruptly这一句的时候,第一反应都是把encountered看成了谓语动词,再看到change abruptly的时候又搞不清怎么会跑出来两个动词,反复看上n遍才看清楚这句话的结构。本句难就难在主语the elastic characteristics后面的过去分词encountered的动作发出者在句子中根本就没有出现过,相当于原文在encountered后面省略了一个by seismic waves,而读者却没有心理准备,同时也不熟悉这种分词修饰的方式,因此也难以读懂。

  意群训练:As rock interfaceare crossed, the elastic characteristicsencountered (by seismic waves) generally change abruptly, which causespart of the energyto be rlected back to the surface, whereit is recordedby seismic instruments.

  88.While the new doctrine seems almost certainly correct,the one papyrus fragment raises the specter that another may be unearthed,showing,for instance,that it was a posthumous production of the Danaid tetralogy which bested Sophocles,and throwing the date once more into utter confusion.(4)



  解释:specter之后的that从句是specter的同位语,从句中有两个分词作状语,中间由and 连接。其中以第一个分词结构showing that it was a posthumous production of the Danaid tetralogy which bested Sophocles的意思较为难懂,有两个地方要解释一下:

  首先,best 在这里的用法我们以前很少见到,用作及物动词,是击败后者的意思,等于deat,overcome或outdo。

  其次,a posthumous production of the Danaid tetralogy这种说法不符合我们的常规想法,我们看到a posthumous production of 的时候,根据中文的语言习惯,惯性的到of之后去找人名,但是看到后面跟着的是作品名,就想不通了,与中文不同的是,英文中的遗作后面不一定只能接人名,接作品名的时候指的是作品在作者死前未发表的那一部分,比如本文的四部曲,可能作者死前全部写好,但只发表了三部,但是死后发表的遗作第四部击败了S。

  意群训练:While the new doctrineseemsalmost certainly correct,the one papyrus fragmentraises the specterthat anothermay be unearthed,showing,for instance,thatit wasa posthumous productionof the Danaid tetralogywhich bested Sophocles,and throwing the dateonce more into utter confusion.


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