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  新GRE阅读理解的一个段落其实就是一道逻辑单题无限扩充出来的段落,你需要知道里面哪些是Premise, 哪些是counter-example/statement,哪些是conclusion。

  一个最简单的例子,依然是1999年GRE Section 2:

  At the same time that Gilpin’s interest in landscape work distinguished her from most other women photographers, her approach to landscape photography set her apart from men photographers who, like Gilpin, documented the western United States. Western American landscape photography grew out of a male tradition, pioneered by photographers attached to government and commercial survey teams that went west in the 1860’s and 1870’s. These explorer- photographers documented the West that their employers wanted to see: an exotic and majestic land shaped by awesome natural forces, unpopulated and ready for American settlement. The next generation of male photographers, represented by Ansel Adams and Eliot Porter, often worked with conservationist groups rather than government agencies or commercial companies, but they nonetheless preserved the “heroic” style and maintained the role of respectful outsider peering in with reverence at a fragile natural world.


  At the same time that Gilpin’s interest in landscape work distinguished her from most other women photographers, her approach to landscape photography set her apart from men photographers who, like Gilpin, documented the western United States.

  这句话第一个逗号直接将两个部分分隔,分别讲述了G与女摄影师和男摄影师的区别。下一句紧接男性作家的一些特点,并在文中出现了几个名字Ansel和Eliot,于是这段可以出很多infer题, G和大多数女摄影师的区别是什么?G和男摄影师的区别是什么?


  Some scientists say that global warming will occur because people are releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by burning trees and fossil fuels. We can see, though, that the predicted warming is occurring already. In the middle of last winter, we had a month of springlike weather in our area, and this fall, because of unusually mild temperatures, the leaves on our town's trees were three weeks late in turning color.

  这是最典型的GRE阅读写作手法, Some people claim/assert/argue/suggest……你知道下一句话一定是转折,这个some people在这里就是充当counter-statement。因此,在做阅读的时候,永远都读句子的逻辑关系。




  Despite these dire predictions, and even though the current African drought has lasted longer than any other in this century, the notion that the drought is caused by cooling of the Northern Hemisphere is, in fact, not well supported.

  通过这个Dire你一下就可以看出作者的态度——cautious skepticism,于是这成了一道送分题。



  ①Out of Scope,这个在多选题里非常常见


  Galileo stuck lenses onto either of an organ pipe; today’s research telescopes, while considerably more elaborate, still perform the same fundamental task of collecting and focusing light. It’s all astronomers have to go on: electromagnetic radiation from distant objects, whether it arrives in the form of X rays or visible light or radio waves. Scientists rely, for instance, on spectroscopy, the process of separating light emitted by an object in space into its opponent wavelengths, as a prism does, then analyzing those components. And they invent new tools to analyze the light. To probe deeper and deeper into space, scientist must design better and better detectors, sensitive to the faintest of emissions.

  It can be inferred from the passage that spectroscopy

  A.Insufficient to describe the contours of objects in space.

  B.interprets information from distance objects

  C.does rely on light emissions as well as other components.

  A就是一个out of scope选项。 Insufficient? Contour of objects? 文章中只出现了light,排除掉。

  答案 BC

  ②One word wrong


  ④True but irrelevant

  ⑤Too extreme



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