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  The state orders a sterilization of stray mutts


  IT IS one of the first things that visitors to Santiago, the Chilean capital, ask: “Why are there so many dogs everywhere?” Patricia Cocas, founder of ProAnimal Chile, an animal-rights group, reckons that some 180,000 stray hounds wander the city of six million people; a further 80,000 are let out by their owners to roam as they please. The area around the presidential palace is a favored hangout. Most mutts are harmless enough—Chile is free of rabies, which helps explain why they are tolerated. But some attack passers-by or chase cars down Santiago's main thoroughfare, the Alameda, occasionally ripping tires with their teeth.

  游客们去智利首都圣地亚哥旅行时,最初会打听的问题之一是:“为什么这儿到处都是狗呢?”智利的动物权利小组专业动物组织发起人Patricia Cocas估计大约十八万只流浪犬逡巡于六百万城市人口之间;有超过八万只流浪犬被它们的主人遗弃,任它们流浪。总统府附近地区就是他们最喜欢闲逛的位子。大部分流浪狗对人无害—智利没有狂犬病。这也就是流浪犬被容忍的原因。但是一些流浪犬攻击行人或者在圣地亚哥的主干道——林荫大道上追逐车辆,它们有时会用牙齿撕咬轮胎。

  The government is now taking action. In her state-of-the-union speech last month, President Michelle Bachelet announced a national sterilization programme for stray dogs (the details are still to be fleshed out). A bill on responsible pet ownership is due to come bore ConGREss this month. It envisages tougher penalties for those who abuse or abandon their pets, and the establishment of a register of dangerous dogs.


  Ms. Bachelet is trying to make the pooches political, weaving them into a broader narrative about inequality. Chile's cities need affordable veterinary centers where pets can be vaccinated and sterilized, she said in her speech. “In our country wealthy people can do that, but people without money have no way of caring for their pets.” But she insists there will be no cull of strays. For now, the mongrels on the lawns outside the palace where she works can sleep in peace.



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