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1、The fitful breeze didn&apost make for good sailing.
2、The lake shimmered in the tropical heat.
3、Spoiled from birth, the touchy monarch wasn&apost liked by the masses.
4、The candle began to wane but the girl continued to read her Bible.
5、His dark visage had been carved on his tomb.
6、Some say the universe is chaotic, others say that it is well-ordered.
7、Fatalism will get you nowhere, so it is better to try and be an optimist.
8、His witless remarks disappointed all of us.
9、The air in the garden was rreshing and aromatic.
10、Professor Lin quotes at least one maxim every lecture.
11、The long-term drought engendered serious famine in some parts of the country.
12、His collection of sensuous paintings was auctioned off last week.
《GRE最常考词汇》TEST 3
1、fitful adj.断断续续的;一阵一阵的 同 spasmodic; intermittent
2、shimmer v.发光
3、touchy adj.过敏的;易怒的 同 sensitive; irascible
4、wane v.减弱;减少 同 diminish; fade; decrease
5、visage n.容貌;样子 同 appearance
6、chaotic adj.混乱的
7、fatalism n.宿命论 fatalistic adj.宿命论的
8、witless adj.无知的;愚蠢的
9、aromatic adj.芳香的 同fragrant
10、maxim n.格言;箴言 同saw; saying; precept 反nonsense
11、engender v.产生;酿成 同cause; produce
12、sensuous adj.感官的;感觉的* auction v.拍卖
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲