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  1、The entrance to the cave was through a large clt in the rock.


  2、His guile earned him the contempt of the other villagers.


  3、The shirt gaped open to reveal his chest.


  4、His instructions were concise and to the point.


  5、Pay equity means equal pay for equal work.


  6、The attorney decided to amplify the story by talking to a reporter.


  7、The cold air whetted his appetite.


  8、He vented his frustration by banging on the desk.


  9、Just when her plans appeared to have reached fruition, she died of a heart attack.


  10、In the guise of a Buddhist monk, he cheated many of the faithful.


  11、A short nose is a generic attribute of Oriental people.


  12、He gave himself to visionary plans which were never carried out.




  《GRE最常考词汇》TEST 5

  1、clt n.裂缝

  2、guile n.奸诈;狡猾 同 craft; artifice candor; honesty

  3、gape v.裂开;敞开

  4、concise adj.简明的

  5、equity n.公平;公正 同 fairness; justice

  6、amplify v.扩大 同 magnify; extend 反 reduce; curtail * attorney n.律师

  7、whet v.磨(刀);刺激 同 sharpen; stimulate

  8、vent v.发泄 n.孔

  9、fruition n.结果;实现;完成 同 fulfilment; realization

  10、guise n.外表;伪装

  11、generic adj.具有…属性的;同类的;共同的* attribute n.特性

  12、visionary adj.幻想的;空想的 同 fanciful; quixotic


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