


2017/08/08 11:18:59 编辑: 浏览次数:227 移动端


  8. FIR:TREE=wool: fiber

  9. FIXTURE:PERMANENCE=hoax: fraudulence

  10. USURPATION:POWER=tht: property

  11. UNWITTING:AWARENESS=sincere: duplicity

  12. STOKE:FUEL=garnish: decoration

  13. GROW:THRIVE=move: bustle

  14. METICULOUSNESS:CURSORY=geniality: acrimonious

  15. REMONSTRATE:DETER=prevaricate: mislead

  16. RESHAPE:FORM=remove: location

  28. AMNESIA<>retentiveness

  29. ENDEAVOR<>fail to attempt

  30. DRIFT<>hold fast

  31. AUTOMATIC<>voluntary

  32. RESOLUTE<>wavering

  33. REASSERT<>recant

  34. SAGA<>anecdote

  35. DOUSE<>ignite

  36. CANONIZE<>debase

  37. INCREDULITY<>faith

  38. FEALTY<>nariousness

  8. DISK:FLAT=orb: spherical

  9. PROPOSAL:ADOPT=request: grant

  10. FRIGHTEN:TERRIFY=anger: infuriate

  11. VACCINATE:DISEASE=anesthetize: sensation

  12. LOCK:SECURE=tarpaulin: protect

  13. GROUNDLESS:SUBSTANTIATION=incredible: plausibility

  14. THRONG:DENSENESS=caricature: exaggeration

  15. GRUFFNESS:CONVIVIAL=flippancy: earnest

  16. BADGER:BOTHER=importune: beg

  28. DORMANT<>vigorous

  29. PREVALENCE<>rareness

  30. COVERT<>undisguised

  31. CORRESPOND<>be incongruous

  32. DEXTERITY<>lack of skill

  33. OAF<>sophisticate

  34. OBLIGING<>grudging

  35. SECEDE<>unite with

  36. UNDETERRED<>daunted

  37. GARISH A fully healed B minute C costly D muted E lacking substance

  38. FITFUL<>continuous

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