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词汇是考生备考新GRE考试的一个难关,也会最为基础的部分,很多考生觉得新GRE考试词汇不好记,确实背诵单词是一个长期的工程,澳际教育小编在这里教大家利用语境记忆新GRE考试词汇。   本文总结了新GRE考试的重点单词,且每个单词配上丰富例句,在语境中记忆这些新GRE考试词汇,帮助同学们轻松快速准确突破GRE词汇。   Allay缓和;减轻   To allay fears/concerns/suspicion减轻恐惧;减轻忧虑;减少怀疑   Interplay相互影响   ...the interplay of many factors...许多因素的相互作用   I am interested in the interplay between practical and theoretical linguistics...我对实用语言学和理论语言学之间的相互影响很感兴趣...   Array部署;排列   Jars of all shapes and sizes were arrayed on the shelves.在搁架上整齐排列着大大小小各式各样的罐子   The soldiers were arrayed on the opposite hill.士兵被部署在对面山头上。   Astray偏离着正确的路;迷路   We were led astray by an inaccurate map.我们被一张不正确的地图引入歧途。   A child astray in the forest在森林中迷路的小孩   The temptations of the big city soon led him astray.大城市里的种种诱惑很快把他引向邪路。   Gainsay反对   Nobody can gainsay his claims.没人能够反驳他的说法。   Teachers have expertise that cannot be gainsaid.教师们都具有无可否认的专业知识。   Assay测试;分析   Assay one’s abilities试一试自己的才能   Assay the situation分析形势   Theocracy神权政治国家   These people were content, living in a kind of theocracy.这些人生活在某种神权政治国家里,感到心满意足。   Gerontocracy老人统治   In danger of engendering both a gerontocracy and a plutocracy面临着造成既是老人同时又是富豪统治的危险   Plutocracy富豪统治;富豪阶级   Newspapers are the organs of plutocracy.报纸是富人的喉舌。   Racy活泼的;不雅的   A racy novel带荤的小说   A racy discussion活跃的讨论   Sway动摇;摇曳   The branches were swaying in the wind.树枝在风中摇曳。   He’s easily swayed.他很容易动摇。   She wan’t swayed by his good looks or his clever talk.他相貌不凡,谈吐风趣,但她不为所动。   Lullaby摇篮曲   We sang our little son a sweet lullaby.我们给小宝宝唱了一支甜美的摇篮曲。   When he was a little lad, I used to sing him lullabies.在他还是小孩的时候,我常常给他唱摇篮曲。   Quay码头   A crowd was waiting on the quay.有一群人在码头上等着。   Supremacy至高无上   Be tarnished by the supremacy of material values over patriotism被凌驾于爱国主义之上的物质至上价值观所玷污   Air supremacy制空权   Naval supremacy制海权   Unclear supremacy核优势   His supremacy was unchallenged.他的最高权威是无可动摇的。   Gain supremacy over others凌驾于他人之上   Lobby大厅   I rushed into the hotel hobby, where our luggage was still piled high.我快速跑进饭店的大堂,我们的行李还是高高地堆在那儿。   Headway进展   The emergency services began to make some headway in restoring order to the devastated area.紧急救援服务在使灾区恢复秩序方面开始有了某些进展。   I find I’m not making much headway with ‘War and Peace’.我发现我阅读《战争与和平》这本厚书的速度很慢。   Conspiracy阴谋活动   They were arrested for conspiracy.他们因搞阴谋活动而被捕。   They were charged with conspiracy to murder.他们被指控密谋策划谋杀。   Prophecy预言;先兆   His prophecy was later fulfilled.他的预言后来果然应验了。   Have the gift of prophecy有预言的天赋   The boy of fifteen was an unfaltering prophecy of the famous man of forty-five.那个15岁的少年已明确显露出其45岁将成为名人的端倪。   Dormancy休眠状态   Many plants alternate an active period with a period of dormancy.许多植物的活动期和休眠期是互相交替的。   以上就是关于利用语境记忆新GRE考试词汇的介绍,大家在复习新GRE考试的时候,可以借鉴文章所述的记忆方法,希望能够帮助大家更好的掌握GRE词汇。 澳际六步曲第二步为您进行考试指导,澳际培训核心思维颠覆国内传统大班无差异化批发模式,采取一对一个性化教学,辅之小班精英辅导应试方法和学生英语能力结合,考试辅导和留学规划一体化行动,学生国际化英语思维构建及西方人文知识和视野的开拓并重。 我们具体的服务项目如下: 1. 免费测评模考,分析申请人的问题,制作考试测评报告和备考指导 2. 结合申请人的申请目标和考试基础,制定考试整体规划及时间安排 3. 提供对申请人有帮助的考试经验和机经等 4. 根据需要提供免费口语模拟和指导服务 5. 免费修改作文4篇 6. 考前心理指导,调整考前心理状态 (注:口语模拟和作文修改服务提供时间为每年2月28日-8月1日)
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