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  197. The material progress and well-being of one country are necessarily connected to the material progress and well-being of all other countries.

  221. The chi benit of the study of history is to break down the illusion that people in one period of time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time in history.

  argument: 孙远书的第6题.

  The following appeared in a letter to the editor of the Clearview newspaper.

  In the next mayoral election, residents of Clearview should vote for Ann Green, who is a member of the Good Earth coalition, rather than for Frank Braun, a member of the Clearview town council, because the current members are not protecting our environment. For example, during the past year the member of factories in Clearview has doubled, air pollution leves have increased, and the local hospital has treated 25 percent more patients with respiratory illnesses. If we elect Ann Green, the environmental problems in Clearview will certainly be solved.

  7点42进去,9点22出来.时间还是比较紧.尤其刚开始看那些调查都晕了,又不敢不仔细看怕错了笔考考场的选择。issue写了第一道,比较顺手,大方向小例子都能多扯点.argument以前写过. 文章都写了三大段加头尾.字数应该是够了.

  由于厦门考场的人都不多,机经也没有多少.除了以前总结的机经.我前面两个考过的同学的题目分别是孩子的社会化, 科技可能毁了人类,和人工智能化(我好象没有在啼哭里面看到).argu分别是两组人由专业医生和一般的physician治疗关节炎,一组服药一组给sugar pills.和一个某社区采取金融措施在18个月内吸引了两家公司招聘了300个人的.我没有所有argu啼哭的序号,大家找找吧.


  就这些了吧.厦大基金楼的键盘不好,硬.鼠标也老式.不过对于我这种打得快却错的多好象还是比较适合的.时间还是紧张的.可能我紧张,有东西扯也得组织一下语句和词汇.一看写不下去了,就马上写后面的段落,然后想到点什么再回来补.那些键盘的快捷键都没有用.只有cut 和paste那三个button可以.


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