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快11:00才到那个地方,杨汊湖小区,大家最好提前打的克虽然那里是535的终点站,前面大概在唐家墩有一段在修路只流了2-3个车道而且武汉人最不遵守交通规则, 最好绕开 我克的时候堵了 急死我了 考试的地方是进了那个象劳教所的院子的右手边的一个挂了铜牌的房间11:03进里面那间小屋, 大概可以容纳20人同时考,但是没有座满 我在那间屋子的右上角的机子考的.题目如下:
174."Laws should not be rigid or fixed. Instead, they should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places."
186."Practicality is now our great idol, which all powers and talents must serve. Anything that is not obviously practical has little value in todays world."
78. The following is a letter to the editor of the Glenville Gazette, a local newspaper.
“Over the past few years, the number of people who have purchased advance tickets for the Glenville Summer Concert series has declined, indicating lack of community support. Although the weather has been unpredictable in the past few years, this cannot be the reason for the decline in advance ticket purchases, because many people attended the concerts even in bad weather. Clearly, then, the reason for the decline is the choice of music, so the organizers of the concert should feature more modern music in the future and should be sure to include music composed by Richerts, whose recordings Glenville residents purchase more often than any other contemporary recordings. This strategy will undoubtedly increase advance ticket purchases and will increase attendance at the concerts.”
刚坐下去的时候明显有交感神经兴奋(本人学医)心跳加快赶紧深呼吸提高迷走神经的兴奋性降低交感神经兴奋性 虽然很无聊前面那一段鼠标键盘练习是一段很好的调节心情的方法 大家如果紧张可以练习一下进入状态考试的前一天写了174的提纲想了几个例子 所以直接就选了先用2分钟把昨天写的提纲例子又列了一遍 考场很变态 发了2支铅笔6张草稿纸 谁用的完? 到了第29分钟写了40行 应该有500词了 就是不知道3个分论点是不是切题 每个论点下都有举例 (在那种环境下 有什么就写了 没有考虑是不是合适) 因为自己觉得写得顺 后面得A也将近写了40行 5段 提前4分钟 我得一个同学好象选了 184 而且她得A 和我一个题目选校在考试之后,只要知道学校在哪个洲就可以了 根据提示很好选的回克当然坐535
已经无法更改了 该一坨屎ETS来评卷了准备下一场了 选了武大考,考GRE很大程度上要靠运气 GOOD LUCK!
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲