


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:264 移动端



  Issue 1 : 31 "Many of the world&aposs lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct."

  Issue 2 : 112 "Some educational systems emphasize the development of students&apos capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, but students would benit more from an education that also taught them to explore their own emotions."

  Argument : 89 The following appeared in a newspaper published in the state of Celera. “Speed limits on our state&aposs highways should be eliminated in order to increase our state&aposs prosperity. Because greater speed means more ficient travel, commercial deliveries will be faster, increasing business profits. Elimination of speed limits will also make driving more attractive to motorists, so that more people will use the highways, providing more highway toll revenues for the state. At the same time, safety on our highways will not be affected: daytime speed limits were eliminated last year in the western states of our country, and no significant increase in the number of accidents in these states has been reported."


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