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考试时间:2011年3月31日 13:00
issue88."Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."
issue 70."In any profession—business, politics, education, government—those in power should step down after five years. The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership."
argument204.The following appeared as a letter to the editor of a farming publication.
"With continuing publicity about the need for healthful diets, and with new research about the harmful fects of eating too much sugar, nationwide demand for sugar will no doubt decline(1). Therore, farmers in our state should use the land on which they currently grow sugar cane to grow peanuts(2,3,4,9), a food that is rich in protein and low in sugar. Farmers in the neighboring country of Palin(8) greatly increased their production of peanuts last year(7), and their total revenues from that crop(6) were quite high(5)."
考试时间:2011年3月31日 下午1点
issue 130"How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society."
issue 40"Scholars and researchers should not be concerned with whether their work makes a contribution to the larger society. It is more important that they pursue their individual interests, however unusual or idiosyncratic those interests may seem."
argument 187.The following appeared as part of an article in a health magazine.
"A new discovery warrants a drastic change in the diets of people living in the United States. Two scientists have recently suggested that omega -3 fatty acids (found in some fish and fish oils) play a key role in mental health. Our ancestors, who ate less saturated fat and more polyunsaturated fat, including omega -3 fatty acids, were much less likely to suffer from depression than we are today(1). Moreover, modern societies—such as those in Japan and Taiwan—that consume large quantities of fish report depression rates(2,3) lower than that in the United States(4). Given this link between omega -3 fatty acids(5) and depression, it is important for all people(9,10) in the United States(6) to increase their consumption of fish(7,8) in order to prevent depression."
考试时间:2011年3月31号 15:00
ISSUE130 - "How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society."
ISSUE144 - "It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."
ARGUMENT203 - The following appeared in a newspaper feature story.
"At the small, nonprofit hospital in the town of Saluda, the average length of a patient&aposs stay is two days; at the large, for-profit hospital in the nearby city of Megaville, the average patient stay is six days. Also, the cure rate among patients in the Saluda hospital is about twice that of the Megaville hospital. The Saluda hospital has more employees per patient than the hospital in Megaville, and there are few complaints about service at the local hospital. Such data indicate that treatment in smaller, nonprofit hospitals is more economical and of better quality than treatment in larger, for-profit hospitals."
考试时间:2011年3月31号 13:00
issue 88"Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."
argument 7.The following appeared in a letter to the editor of the Clearview newspaper.
"In the next mayoral election, residents of Clearview should vote for Ann Green, who is a member of the Good Earth Coalition, rather than for Frank Braun, a member of the Clearview town council, because the current members are not protecting our environment. For example, during the past year the number of factories in Clearview has doubled, air pollution levels have increased, and the local hospital has treated 25 percent more patients with respiratory illnesses. If we elect Ann Green, the environmental problems in Clearview will certainly be solved."
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲