


2017/08/08 04:30:26 编辑: 浏览次数:361 移动端


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  一 写作

  1 Issue:

  Claim: Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and legal system.

  Reason: Laws cannot change what is in people&aposs hearts or minds.

  2 Argument:

  "Clearview should be a top choice for anyone seeking a place to retire. Because it has spectacular natural beauty and a consistent climate.Another advantages is that housing costs in clearview have fallen significantly during the past year, and taxes remain lower than those in neighboring towns.

  二 阅读

  1 讲earthquake

  2 Consumer debt

  3 revival of mural painting in San Francisco

  4 Gustave Courbet&aposs painting

  5 Norway industrialization

  6 Fossils in Tethys Sea

  7 Megger 农业啥的

  8 Caffeine

  9 讲什么avant-garde ( “先驱的”,这是一个来自法语的外来语,在阅读中多次看到外来语,在上托福写作课也给大家重点讲了外来语。所以在写作中可以大胆用哦)

  10 Hepatitis-C

  11 Temperance movement

  12 orangutans&apostool use

  三 填空

  只记得一道题是关于Margaret Fuller&aposs travel的书,很早读过

  四 数学


  Which of the following is the greatest number?

  A 0.009

  B 0.0191

  C 0.01909

  D 0.000099

  E 0.00011911



  ( 觉得Mark这个功能很好,可以把不确定的答案做记录,方便检查。托福怎么没有~~~)


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