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下面是小编为大家整理的新GRE机经的阅读部分,这篇是关于“Sea Cow”的新GRE阅读机经,希望可以帮助各位考生打开阅读思路,提高新GRE阅读能力。
The dis appearance of Steller&aposs sea cow from the Bering and Copper is lands by 1768 has long
been blamed on intensive hunting. But its dis appearance took only 28 years from the time
Steller first described the species, a remarkably short time for hunting alone to depopulate the
is lands, especially given the large populations initially reported. However, by 1750, huntershad
also targeted nearby sea otter populations . Fewer otters would have allowed s ea urchin
populations on which the otterspreyed to expand and the urchins &apos grazing pressure on kelp
forests to increase. Sea cows were totally dependent on kelp for food, and within a decade of
the onset of otter hunting Steller noted that the is lands&apos sea cows appeared malnourished.
1. Which of the following can be inferred from the pas s age about kelp forests in the Bering
and Copper is lands between 1750 and 1768?
A. They were reduced significantly.
B. They disappeared entirely from the region.
C. They were the primary food source for sea otters .
D. They were harvested in record numbers by humans
E. They increased pressure on sea urchin populations.
2. According to the pas s age, it is likely that during the m id-1700s, s ea urchin populations
near the Bering and Copper is lands
A. were diminished by sea cow predation
B. experienced substantial increases
C. migrated to waters with more plentiful food supplies
D. were reduced by the pressures of hunting
E. appeared to be malnourished
以上就是关于“Sea Cow”的新GRE阅读机经,希望能够帮助各位考生更好地备考新GRE。机经的作用是非常重要的,有很多机经会反复考到,大家可以进行认真阅读,从中推断出出题人的出题思路,总结出新GRE阅读的解题,做到杀G成功!
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲