您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 2017年8月17日北美费城GRE机经回忆.
In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important contributions.
The following recommendation was made by the president and administrative staff of Grove College, a private institution, to the college&aposs governing committee.
"We recommend that Grove College preserve its century-old tradition of all-female education rather than admit men into its programs. It is true that a majority of faculty members voted in favor of coeducation, arguing that it would encourage more students to apply to Grove. But eighty percent of the students responding to a survey conducted by the student government wanted the school to remain all female, and over half of the alumni who answered a separate survey also opposed coeducation. Keeping the college all-female, therore, will improve morale among students and convince alumni to keep supporting the college financially."
很差! 看了康老师的整理资料。 只中1题!
Chinese architecture disdain westening ....
1. Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) first achieved fame for her A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792), in which she extended the radical idea of the "rights of man" to women and laid the groundwork for modern feminism.
2. 讲的是美国的只发展公路而忽视铁路的政策(highways-only policy)带来的严重后果:公路反而越来越拥挤。前半部分讲为什么公路会越来越拥挤,因为人口和汽车的增加(作为公路政策的结果,很多原来坐火车的人改坐汽车了)超过了公路的增加。后半部分讲铁路的好处是更有效率(more ficient),因为占地少(taking less land per ridership capacity)。后面3个题,一个是主题题,一个题问为什么公路越来越拥挤,最后一个问为什么铁路更有效率。
3. 有个调查找来患XX病的人,分成两组, 一组给他们定期吃某种药物, 一组没有吃。 五年后,吃药物的那组85%的病人alive, 没吃的有75%的病人alive, 所以得出结论,此药物有效。
问: which condition is the most seriously undermined 作者的结论?
4. Mae West wrote many kinds of theatrical productions, but some details remained the same. She was popular with a wide audience.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲