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  1、准备复议材料 (证明材料,身份证及复印件)==> 2、支付复议费(到银行填写汇票单) ==> 3、填写必备信息(查看) ==> 4、将申请材料、银行出据的汇票一起寄给ETS(收款人姓名:GRE-ETS、收款人地址:P.O. BOX 6000, Princeton, NJ08541-6000, USA) 复议申请时间及范围:复议重判的6个月期限是从笔考开始算起的,从申请rescore开始的那天,就要抓紧跟ETS联系,通过E-mail.

  GRE复议范围有两种:1、作文复议 2、语文数学复议。注意不要重发,否则有可能收双倍的费用.期间,要时刻追问rescore的进展。注:一般考生都申请作文部分复议。因为语文和数学部分为客观题,判错的可能性很小。 复议费用:申请成绩复议前,请确认您已经成功支付费用。1.作文复议需要$55,2.语文数学部分复议$30。ETS接受的支付方式有很多,有信用卡、支票汇票等。 复议费返还:如果复议后,成绩确实存在误差,该费用将退还考生,否则将被视为复议费用,不再退还。

  获得复议申请表及填表说明:查看GRE考试复议必备信息>>填表说明: 1.rescore表格最好用英文填写。 2.准备申请材料。包括full name,/current address/date of birth/phone number/registration number/ test name/test date/ the name and location of test center。 3.填写汇票单。收款人姓名:GRE-ETS、收款人地址:P.O. BOX 6000, Princeton, NJ08541-6000, USA4.将申请材料、银行出据的汇票一起寄给ETS。

  复议申请所需联系方式:1、将申请材料、银行出据的汇票一起寄给ETS(GRE-ETS P.O. BOX 6000, Princeton, NJ08541-6000, USA)建议采用特快专递。2、发送电子邮件到ETS的邮箱: gre-info@ets.org3、教育部考试中心咨询:电话:010-62799911、人工电话服务时间:周一至周五 北京时间08:30-17:00、周六、周日休息、传真:010-82520243、邮件e-mail: rrc.ptc@prometric.net.cn 、地址: 北京市海淀区清华科技园立业大厦 教育部考试中心 考试服务中心、邮编: 100084 复议周期:复议过程中可以多和ETS联系(推荐发送邮件),他们的工作效率挺高的,复议一般的处理周期是3周就能得到回信。 复议成绩反馈:复议结束后,ETS会E-mail通知分数变化及退费事宜。复议后等候ETS的消息,大约需要4-6个星期。 一个流程案例:下面是我给ETS的第一封信,询问如何用信用卡申请Rescore:To Whom It may concern:

  As a Chinese examinee of GRE Test, I have respectively finished Analytical Writing Section on 4.26 2004 in the Test Center of

  8522 and paper-based General Test on 6.12 2004 in the Test Center of 10685, and I have just got my test score by phone.

  However, I am strongly doubtful about the score of Analytical Writing section and want to make a request for hand rescoring.

  Now I have two questions as follows:

  1.Could I pay the fee for rescoring by credit card(Visa Card)? If so, how to pay?

  2.Could I E-mail the request as a substitute for the direct mail or fax?

  Following is my personal information and mailing address, please check it.

  Given Name: XX

  Last Name: XX

  Full Name:XX

  Sex: XX

  Current Address:XX

  Birthday: XX

  Phone Number:XX

  Registration Number:XX

  AW Test Date: 2004-04-26

  AW Test Center Number: 8522

  AW Test Center Name&Location:The 1st Floor, Test Center, Hubei Education Examination Institute, Yangchahu, Jianghan District,

  Wuhan, P.R.China

  AW Confirmation No: XX

  Paper Test Center Number: 10685

  Paper Test Center Name&Location:Huazhong University of Science and Technology Foreign Language Institute, Wuhan, 430074,

  Hubei, P.R.China

  E-Mail address: XX

  Your timely reply will be appreciated!


  Thank you for contacting the GRE Program.

  Regarding your inquiry:

  Test takers may request rescoring of their essays up to six months after the administration. Submit a $45.00 fee with your

  written request; include your full name, date of birth, test date, registration number, address, and phone number. Please mail you request to:


  PO Box 6000

  Princeton, NJ 08541-6000

  You may also fax your request if paying by credit card (VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Card or JCB Card) to:


  We hope this information is helpful

  Please include all previous inquiries when responding to this message.


  To: GRE-ETS, PO Box 6000 Princeton, NJ 08541-6000

  Fax No.: 609-771-7906

  Date: 2004-07-17

  Subject: Request for rescoring GRE Analytical Writing essay

  Dear Sir/Madam:

  I am writing this letter to request rescoring of Analytical Writing essay.

  Following is my personal information, please check it.

  Full Name: XX

  Date of Birth: XX

  Current Address:XX HUST(Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Wuhan 430074 P.R.China

  Phone Number:86-27-XX

  Registration Number:XX

  AW Test Date: 04/26/2004

  AW Test Center Number: 8522

  AW Test Center Name & Location: The 1st Floor, Test Center, Hubei Education Examination Institute, Yangchahu, Jianghan

  District, Wuhan, P.R.China

  AW Confirmation No: XX

  Paper Test Center Number: 10685

  Paper Test Center Name & Location: Huazhong University of Science and Technology Foreign Language Institute, Wuhan, 430074,

  Hubei, P.R.China

  E-Mail address: XX

  Credit Card Number: XX(我用的是工行的Master Card,16位卡号)

  Expiration Date of Credit Card: XX

  Thank you for your help!

  Yours sincerely,


  Signature:XX Date:XX


  I have faxed my rescore request and I wonder if my fax has been received. Could you send a confirm mail to me?Thank you!


  Thank you for contacting the GRE Program.

  Regarding your inquiry:

  Your rescore request has not been processed to date. Please allow 7-10 days for processing and contact us again.

  We hope this information is helpful.

  Please include all previous inquiries when responding to this message.


  I faxed my rescore request on July 19 and I wonder if my request has been processed to date.Could you tell me how is my

  request going along and when I can get the revised score report?

  Thank you for your help!


  Thank you for contacting the GRE Program.

  Regarding your inquiry:

  We have rescored your GRE Analytical Writing essay, and the rescore has resulted in a score change.

  A revised examinee&aposs score report will be mailed under separate cover.

  A revised score report and letter of explanation have also been sent to any designated institutions you requested to receive

  these scores.

  Any payment submitted with your rescore request will be runded. If you paid by check or money order, you may expect a

  rund check in approximately 6 to 8 weeks. Credit card payments will be credited back to your charge card account.

  If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact our office at 866-473-4373 or 609-771-7670.

  We hope this information is helpful.

  Please include all previous inquiries when responding to this message.



  不过吧,为了给你增加RP,积累好运,下面来一个成功案例:(被判了雷同,如果被判了雷同的话,你会收到ETS的邮件滴,也许你情况不同,但是我们一定要相信CHANGE !!)







  我当然不甘心。虽然这个成绩对我来说已经不再重要,可我不愿意自己原创的作文被判为雷同。于是,我再次给ETS负责人发了邮件,从论坛的用户名含义、密码、帖子发布时间、帖子内容的几个细节等共6个角度来证明自己就是网上那篇文章的作者和发布者。邮件发过去以后一直杳无音信,我怀疑是这位负责人故意拖延,因为那次不算是愉快的通话。而9月15日式ETS给我的做出选择的最后期限,如果我到时候还不决定,他们就默认为我选择重考。到了9月12号,我我以一种近乎绝望的心情再次给这位负责人发了邮件,证明明自己作文的原创性。第二天,负责人给我回复了邮件,说前段时间她在休假,没能及时查看邮件,向我道歉。同时她说board of review正在重新审查我提供的证明,并保证一有消息立刻跟我联系。其实这时候我已经几乎不抱希望了,但每次上网查邮件,总希望能够收到相关消息。这种心情,不知道大家能否体会。终于,刚才收到了回复,说评议小组认为我后来发送过去的证明材料有说服力,同意取消之前的雷同判定。但我违反了GRE试题的保密协议(不许与他人交流考试内容),所以对我进行善意的提醒,让我今后注意。





  4.Last but not least,不要轻言放弃(除非心知肚明自己的作文的确从别处“借鉴”了太多)。Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up……

  Pray for you.这篇文章汇集了一些比较老的GRE复议的智慧,所以一些具体细节信息,请申请人自己仔细查证,不多言,唯祝好运。




  1、准备复议材料 (证明材料,身份证及复印件)==> 2、支付复议费(到银行填写汇票单) ==> 3、填写必备信息(查看) ==> 4、将申请材料、银行出据的汇票一起寄给ETS(收款人姓名:GRE-ETS、收款人地址:P.O. BOX 6000, Princeton, NJ08541-6000, USA) 复议申请时间及范围:复议重判的6个月期限是从笔考开始算起的,从申请rescore开始的那天,就要抓紧跟ETS联系,通过E-mail.

  GRE复议范围有两种:1、作文复议 2、语文数学复议。注意不要重发,否则有可能收双倍的费用.期间,要时刻追问rescore的进展。注:一般考生都申请作文部分复议。因为语文和数学部分为客观题,判错的可能性很小。 复议费用:申请成绩复议前,请确认您已经成功支付费用。1.作文复议需要$55,2.语文数学部分复议$30。ETS接受的支付方式有很多,有信用卡、支票汇票等。 复议费返还:如果复议后,成绩确实存在误差,该费用将退还考生,否则将被视为复议费用,不再退还。

  获得复议申请表及填表说明:查看GRE考试复议必备信息>>填表说明: 1.rescore表格最好用英文填写。 2.准备申请材料。包括full name,/current address/date of birth/phone number/registration number/ test name/test date/ the name and location of test center。 3.填写汇票单。收款人姓名:GRE-ETS、收款人地址:P.O. BOX 6000, Princeton, NJ08541-6000, USA4.将申请材料、银行出据的汇票一起寄给ETS。

  复议申请所需联系方式:1、将申请材料、银行出据的汇票一起寄给ETS(GRE-ETS P.O. BOX 6000, Princeton, NJ08541-6000, USA)建议采用特快专递。2、发送电子邮件到ETS的邮箱: gre-info@ets.org3、教育部考试中心咨询:电话:010-62799911、人工电话服务时间:周一至周五 北京时间08:30-17:00、周六、周日休息、传真:010-82520243、邮件e-mail: rrc.ptc@prometric.net.cn 、地址: 北京市海淀区清华科技园立业大厦 教育部考试中心 考试服务中心、邮编: 100084 复议周期:复议过程中可以多和ETS联系(推荐发送邮件),他们的工作效率挺高的,复议一般的处理周期是3周就能得到回信。 复议成绩反馈:复议结束后,ETS会E-mail通知分数变化及退费事宜。复议后等候ETS的消息,大约需要4-6个星期。 一个流程案例:下面是我给ETS的第一封信,询问如何用信用卡申请Rescore:To Whom It may concern:

  As a Chinese examinee of GRE Test, I have respectively finished Analytical Writing Section on 4.26 2004 in the Test Center of

  8522 and paper-based General Test on 6.12 2004 in the Test Center of 10685, and I have just got my test score by phone.

  However, I am strongly doubtful about the score of Analytical Writing section and want to make a request for hand rescoring.

  Now I have two questions as follows:

  1.Could I pay the fee for rescoring by credit card(Visa Card)? If so, how to pay?

  2.Could I E-mail the request as a substitute for the direct mail or fax?

  Following is my personal information and mailing address, please check it.

  Given Name: XX

  Last Name: XX

  Full Name:XX

  Sex: XX

  Current Address:XX

  Birthday: XX

  Phone Number:XX

  Registration Number:XX

  AW Test Date: 2004-04-26

  AW Test Center Number: 8522

  AW Test Center Name&Location:The 1st Floor, Test Center, Hubei Education Examination Institute, Yangchahu, Jianghan District,

  Wuhan, P.R.China

  AW Confirmation No: XX

  Paper Test Center Number: 10685

  Paper Test Center Name&Location:Huazhong University of Science and Technology Foreign Language Institute, Wuhan, 430074,

  Hubei, P.R.China

  E-Mail address: XX

  Your timely reply will be appreciated!


  Thank you for contacting the GRE Program.

  Regarding your inquiry:

  Test takers may request rescoring of their essays up to six months after the administration. Submit a $45.00 fee with your

  written request; include your full name, date of birth, test date, registration number, address, and phone number. Please mail you request to:


  PO Box 6000

  Princeton, NJ 08541-6000

  You may also fax your request if paying by credit card (VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Card or JCB Card) to:


  We hope this information is helpful

  Please include all previous inquiries when responding to this message.


  To: GRE-ETS, PO Box 6000 Princeton, NJ 08541-6000

  Fax No.: 609-771-7906

  Date: 2004-07-17

  Subject: Request for rescoring GRE Analytical Writing essay

  Dear Sir/Madam:

  I am writing this letter to request rescoring of Analytical Writing essay.

  Following is my personal information, please check it.

  Full Name: XX

  Date of Birth: XX

  Current Address:XX HUST(Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Wuhan 430074 P.R.China

  Phone Number:86-27-XX

  Registration Number:XX

  AW Test Date: 04/26/2004

  AW Test Center Number: 8522

  AW Test Center Name & Location: The 1st Floor, Test Center, Hubei Education Examination Institute, Yangchahu, Jianghan

  District, Wuhan, P.R.China

  AW Confirmation No: XX

  Paper Test Center Number: 10685

  Paper Test Center Name & Location: Huazhong University of Science and Technology Foreign Language Institute, Wuhan, 430074,

  Hubei, P.R.China

  E-Mail address: XX

  Credit Card Number: XX(我用的是工行的Master Card,16位卡号)

  Expiration Date of Credit Card: XX

  Thank you for your help!

  Yours sincerely,


  Signature:XX Date:XX


  I have faxed my rescore request and I wonder if my fax has been received. Could you send a confirm mail to me?Thank you!


  Thank you for contacting the GRE Program.

  Regarding your inquiry:

  Your rescore request has not been processed to date. Please allow 7-10 days for processing and contact us again.

  We hope this information is helpful.

  Please include all previous inquiries when responding to this message.


  I faxed my rescore request on July 19 and I wonder if my request has been processed to date.Could you tell me how is my

  request going along and when I can get the revised score report?

  Thank you for your help!


  Thank you for contacting the GRE Program.

  Regarding your inquiry:

  We have rescored your GRE Analytical Writing essay, and the rescore has resulted in a score change.

  A revised examinee&aposs score report will be mailed under separate cover.

  A revised score report and letter of explanation have also been sent to any designated institutions you requested to receive

  these scores.

  Any payment submitted with your rescore request will be runded. If you paid by check or money order, you may expect a

  rund check in approximately 6 to 8 weeks. Credit card payments will be credited back to your charge card account.

  If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact our office at 866-473-4373 or 609-771-7670.

  We hope this information is helpful.

  Please include all previous inquiries when responding to this message.



  不过吧,为了给你增加RP,积累好运,下面来一个成功案例:(被判了雷同,如果被判了雷同的话,你会收到ETS的邮件滴,也许你情况不同,但是我们一定要相信CHANGE !!)



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