


2017/08/08 00:50:28 编辑: 浏览次数:221 移动端


  October 23, 2010 GRE® General Test Administration in China

  ETS places great importance on the validity of GRE scores and is working to resolve an issue with the October 23, 2010, administration of the GRE General Test. Correspondence was sent directly to affected test takers and to institutions beginning on October 28, 2010. For more information, please view the links below.

  Updated Statement on November 2, 2010

  Letter to Examinees

  Runds and Reimbursement

  Frequently Asked Questions

  Contact GRE Services

  Update on Score Reporting for the November 20, 2010, Make-Up Administration in China

  GRE Scores From China Reported Early: Scores from the November 20, 2010, make-up administration of the GRE General Test in China will be reported to universities on Monday, December 6, 2010, four days earlier than announced and in time for most application deadlines. Test takers can view their scores electronically at www.aoji.cn after 4 p.m., New York time, on Saturday, December 4, 2010, only one day later than originally planned for the cancelled October 23, 2010, administration.

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