


2017/08/07 21:37:55 编辑: 浏览次数:306 移动端


  1. 雅思小作文的开头倾向于使用多种表达方式替换图表chart的说法,如figure图形, graph图表;曲线图, diagram图表;图解以及各种图形各自的英文表达方法;而且为了表示强调题中所给的图时可加入:given或是provided 等放在chart的后面 “The figure given shows….”

  2. 当然“万事开头难”,所以如何给考官一个非常不错的第一印象也显得十分重要了。而“The graph shows” 之类的表示方法肯定不是最佳的选择,因为其他考生也会用几乎雷同的方式来引言,所以澳际海外考试研究中心推荐考生们可以尝试以下写法:

  1) The graph provided reveals….2) Given is a line chart concerning/ providing a comparison of/ illustrating …3) A glance at the figure provided reveals… (推荐)

  3. 若想通过开头段给考官留下不错的印象,那么一定要在介绍图表描述后,加上一句话概括图表能反映出的总体情况,并且可以选择放入一些插入语,增强色彩,如:

  1) Clearly, both rates fluctuated dramatically during this period.2) It is evident that both nations saw considerable fluctuations in rates…

  4. 完整看来,以下给出3个不同等级的开头段(关于中美两国的出生率情况)可供学会模仿参考:

  1) IELTS5 The graph shows some similarities between the birth rates of China and the USA from 1920 to 2000.

  2) IELTS6 The graph provided reveals some surprising similarities between the Chinese and US birth rates during the period from 1920 to 2000. Clearly,both rates fluctuated dramatically during this period.

  3) IELTS7 A glance at the graph provided reveals some striking similarities between the Chinese and US birth rates during the period from 1920 to 2000.It is evident that both nations saw considerable fluctuations in fertility, with lows during the 1940s and highs during the 1950s.


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