


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:251 移动端


  1. An increasing number of people spend more time in doing their own profession but not staying with their families. What are the reasons for this issue and what can be done to deal with this problem?

  2. People make all forts to keep health is important nowadays. Some believe that it is good for citizens themselves. However, others believe that it has benits to the local governments. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

  3. Long distance goods like foods and electrics are popular in many countries. However, people believe that it brings more pollution than the local places create. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  4. Many college students cannot find jobs after schools. So some people believe that it is no use attending secondary education such as colleges or universities but rather to attend some training courses like hair cutting or nursing. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

  5. The subjects students should learn at schools are vital for everyone. Some people believe that the government should decide what the subjects are instead of teachers. Others believe that teachers are more suitable for this job with the help of the government. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

  6.Many new cities are springing out these years. In those big cities, there are so many old buildings. Some people believe that we should crush all the old buildings instead of new-styles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  7.Many traditional festivals are disappearing nowadays. Meanwhile, some new festivals (such as western festivals) leak into oriental world day after day. What are the reasons for this problem and what fects will it bring about?

  8.Some developed countries try to help those undeveloped areas with economic aid. Some people believe it is not the most fective way to deal with the gap between the rich and poor countries. What other methods can be taken to deal with this and which is the most important one?

  9.Many people living in the society believe that eco-protection is fundamental for all residents. However, few of them take any actions on it. Why does this happen and what methods should be used to encourage people protect the surroundings?

  10.With sufficient budget, some local governments invest money in some sports games or expos. Some people believe that we should spend money in some basic-leveled areas such as health care and free education. Discuss both sides and give your own opinions.

  11.The wide spread of English language is an unstoppable trend nowadays. Meanwhile the disappearing of lesser-known languages is also a major social issue for many nations. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages for this issue?

  12.Many media report the details of crime for watching rate. Many people believe that this activity has negative influence on the whole society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



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