


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:373 移动端






  1) 姓名:full name

  2) 家乡:hometown history?where r u from?你最喜欢家乡的什么?Introduce your hometown Have you learned some history about your home town in school? 描述家乡好的一面~家乡需要改进的一面。。。哪些地方吸引人?家乡的历史?

  3) 工作:工作好找吗?工作外出的机会多吗?

  4) 专业:major?whether your major popular in China?喜欢不喜欢?好不好就业?It is imp for students to study a suject they are interested in?how to learn a language?

  5) 电影:What kind of movie do you like? Why do you like this kind of movie? Do you like watching the movie with others or alone? Why? Where do you like to watch the movie? which type of film do you like?how often do you go to movies?alone? with others?

  6) 交友:Where do young people often meet? Where do you think young people often meet in the past?...

  7) 喜好:你平常喜欢做什么?你的兴趣��大多数人玩什么?

  8) 博物馆:小时候是否去过博物馆?最近一次去博物馆是什么时候?在博物馆销售东西你怎么看

  9) 大海:大家对大海什么感觉、would do you live near the sea? why?

  10) 交通:do you like take flight?why/Is it the best way for travel?

  11) 购物:你喜欢购物吗?什么时候购物?你喜欢买什么东西?你喜欢去大的超市购物吗?你最近一次购物的经历?what&aposs clothes u like ?what&aposs kind clothes u dislike?what date do you choose to go shopping?

  12) 天气:which weather u like most? Do the weather in China be good now? What do you usually do in these days?

  13) 颜色:喜欢的颜色,为什么喜欢,传统的中国颜色是什么?为什么。。。穿衣服时也会选这个颜色吗?家里的墙会刷这个颜色吗?各个颜色代表什么的?你喜欢什么颜色的毛衣?你一般在哪里买毛衣

  14) 动物:what&aposs ur favorite animal ?Do people keep pet ?why

  15) 信息渠道:从哪里获取新闻信息?电视还是报纸?有没有用网络获取新闻?对哪一类新闻比较感兴趣?email(和谁、干嘛用、什么样的最难)

  16) 食物:food ate when was young/what food for your child(用虚拟)/喜欢cooking吗


  1、 Describe your primary teacher / a teacher you want to meet again(今天蹲点表述不清)


  part3 老师工作的优势��劣势��现在很多人选择当老师的很少为什么���如何增加老师的人数��

  2、describe a famous person(such as a writer)

  3、 describe a TV/radio presenter


  PART3 你认为什么人会选择当主持人,不同的主持人适合不同类型的节目吗?在一些像新闻类的节目里可以讲笑话吗?等等的

  4、 describe a long-known friend


  Part 3 how to make friends/do friends need same interests/is it important for having different interests/can people make child or old man as friend?

  5、describe a person who speaks a foreign language


  6、describe the family member that you admire most

  7、describe an artist

  8、describe an old person

  9、describe a successful person

  10、describe a person you helped


  1、 describe a job you will do in the future//describe an ideal job


  2、 describe an advertisement


  3、 describe a piece of advice you received


  4、 describe a type of music that you like //that is popular in your country


  5、 describe your hobby in your childhood


  6、 describe a toy you played in your childhood


  7、 describe a piece of broken equipment in your home(NOT PC ,TV)


  Part 3 is it difficult to old people to use some equipment?

  do you think old people will like new equipment?

  8、 describe a gift you sent to others


  Part3 中国人送礼会直接送钱吗? 如何选择礼物?中国人在什么情况下会送礼?

  9、 describe your favorite film//movie


  10、 describe a new law that would improve the place you are living


  What the new law is. How to make it popular? Why would it become popular?

  PART 3: 有没有过咨询律师的经历?咨询律师一般都是和什么有关的?作为学生聘请一个律师是不是很难?有没有遇到过不负责任的律师?不负责任的律师的变现一般有哪些?你家乡的律师是否都受人尊敬?警察应该配*吗?

  11、 your favorite subject in the high school


  12. describe something you learned from computer


  Part 3都是围绕第二部分的电脑展开的

  电脑的好处? 电脑的坏处?电脑带给成年人是好处多还是坏处多?说说电脑对于什么社交的影响。 以后人们会不会不去上班,在家用电脑工作? 你觉得未来电脑的前景? 政府应该给每个家庭免费提供电脑吗? 谈谈电脑在处理社会问题所做的贡献?电脑普及对家庭结构的影响?政府是否应该资助所有家庭都能有一台电脑?

  13、 describe a piece of clothe that others BOUGHT FOR YOU

  思路:什么时候,谁,给了你一件什么衣服?当时你是什么状况,他为什么送你这衣服?这个衣服是怎么样的?有什么特点?你收到这件衣服,你怎么处理的?对你产生了什么影 响?

  P3: 男女买衣服区别,上网买衣服的好处,坏处,还谈了一堆fashion

  14、describe a TV quiz show

  15、describe a healthy life style

  16、describe an animal you like

  17、describe a traditional story

  18、describe a celebration in your culture

  19、describe the outdoor activities you like

  20、describe something you are good at

  22、describe a long journey you had expered

  23、describe a piece of exciting message


  1、describe a time when you were late/an occasion of being late




  2、 describe a walking experience with friends

  3、 describe a festival






  4、 describe a naughty thing you did in your childhood

  5、 describe a project you did by cooperating with others


  PART3 人们为什么要合作? 在中国都是独生子女,小孩怎么学着和别人合作? 在学校怎么学着和别人合作? 公司里人们怎么学着合作?公司可以和学校合作吗?合作的重要性?在你们国家的历史中的合作的例子?孩子是不是应该培养合作?

  6、 describe the changes happened in your city/town

  7、describe a practical skill,such as driving and cooking

  when, how, why,and difficulty in learning?

  Part 3 Would you like learn some new skills after you have a job?

  Do you think it is better for people to learn some skills when were young?

  Do you think some children have special ability to some skills?

  8、describe something you would save money to buy

  What was it? How much time you had saved money to buy it? Why did you want to buy it?

  Part 3

  Do you like shopping?

  What are the difference of young shopping habits between in urban and countryside?

  Do you think people will change their shopping habit?

  What are the influences of advertisements on shopping? Is it good for children?

  Do you want to buy everything your children like to them?


  9. describe the sports you are good at


  Part3 青少年参加运动好否;奥林匹克的的意义;为什么有的国家擅长这个 有的擅长那个老年人和年轻人各喜欢什么运动?

  10 .what could you do to protect the environment?

  有哪些problems about environment in your country



  11、describe something your friend did that make you admire

  12、describe a relaxing day

  13、describe a sh0pping experience

  14 describe an experience when you took part in a competition


  1、 describe a modern building

  2、 describe a place full of noise

  Where it is? What kind of noise? Why you go there?

  3、 describe a restaurant


  4 describe a hotel

  what kind of quality do you think a staff in the hotel should acquire?

  5、describe a museum//describe a place where you learned something about history

  6、describe a place you often go to have meals








  1) 姓名:full name

  2) 家乡:hometown history?where r u from?你最喜欢家乡的什么?Introduce your hometown Have you learned some history about your home town in school? 描述家乡好的一面~家乡需要改进的一面。。。哪些地方吸引人?家乡的历史?

  3) 工作:工作好找吗?工作外出的机会多吗?

  4) 专业:major?whether your major popular in China?喜欢不喜欢?好不好就业?It is imp for students to study a suject they are interested in?how to learn a language?

  5) 电影:What kind of movie do you like? Why do you like this kind of movie? Do you like watching the movie with others or alone? Why? Where do you like to watch the movie? which type of film do you like?how often do you go to movies?alone? with others?

  6) 交友:Where do young people often meet? Where do you think young people often meet in the past?...

  7) 喜好:你平常喜欢做什么?你的兴趣��大多数人玩什么?

  8) 博物馆:小时候是否去过博物馆?最近一次去博物馆是什么时候?在博物馆销售东西你怎么看

  9) 大海:大家对大海什么感觉、would do you live near the sea? why?

  10) 交通:do you like take flight?why/Is it the best way for travel?

  11) 购物:你喜欢购物吗?什么时候购物?你喜欢买什么东西?你喜欢去大的超市购物吗?你最近一次购物的经历?what&aposs clothes u like ?what&aposs kind clothes u dislike?what date do you choose to go shopping?

  12) 天气:which weather u like most? Do the weather in China be good now? What do you usually do in these days?

  13) 颜色:喜欢的颜色,为什么喜欢,传统的中国颜色是什么?为什么。。。穿衣服时也会选这个颜色吗?家里的墙会刷这个颜色吗?各个颜色代表什么的?你喜欢什么颜色的毛衣?你一般在哪里买毛衣

  14) 动物:what&aposs ur favorite animal ?Do people keep pet ?why

  15) 信息渠道:从哪里获取新闻信息?电视还是报纸?有没有用网络获取新闻?对哪一类新闻比较感兴趣?email(和谁、干嘛用、什么样的最难)

  16) 食物:food ate when was young/what food for your child(用虚拟)/喜欢cooking吗


  1、 Describe your primary teacher / a teacher you want to meet again(今天蹲点表述不清)


  part3 老师工作的优势��劣势��现在很多人选择当老师的很少为什么���如何增加老师的人数��

  2、describe a famous person(such as a writer)

  3、 describe a TV/radio presenter


  PART3 你认为什么人会选择当主持人,不同的主持人适合不同类型的节目吗?在一些像新闻类的节目里可以讲笑话吗?等等的

  4、 describe a long-known friend


  Part 3 how to make friends/do friends need same interests/is it important for having different interests/can people make child or old man as friend?

  5、describe a person who speaks a foreign language


  6、describe the family member that you admire most

  7、describe an artist

  8、describe an old person

  9、describe a successful person

  10、describe a person you helped



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