

陈攀 雅思口语必考话题之object.

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  物品 Object

  1, A broken item in your family

  2, An expensive thing you want to buy in the future

  Part 3: Do you think children should learn how to save money?

  Why some people like to buy something they don’t need?

  What are the differences between the things bought by the poor people and the rich people?

  Do you think the brand is important?

  What do you think of the online shopping?

  3, A car you would like to own in the future

  Part3: what kind of transportation means do most people in China use?

  Which one do you prer?

  4, A character in a story in your childhood

  5, A photograph that you like

  Part 3: when and why do people like to take photos?

  Why do some people don’t like to take photos?

  What are some problems of taking photos?

  Do you think photograph is very important in our life?

  Do most people in China like to take photos?

  What do people usually use to take photos?

  How do most people reserve their photos?

  Do you think it is easier to take photos than bore?

  6, A gift you gave to your friend

  7, A foreign food you would like to try

  Part 3: do you think learning to cook is important?

  What are the differences between the cooking in the past and nowadays?

  What are the dietary problems in the developed countries?

  8, A clothing

  Part 3: what are the differences of clothing between the male and female?

  What is your opinion about some people buying some luxurious products?

  9, A celebration in your culture

  10, A good law

  Part 3: do you think the policeman is very important in the society?

  Do you think the policeman should bring the guns?

  11, A movie you like

  12, An advertisement

  13, An educational TV program

  14, A quiz show that you would like to take part in

  Part3: why the quiz show is so popular nowadays?

  Do you think it will be popular in the future?

  What kind of people like this kind of quiz show?

  15, A job plan=a dream job

  16, A skill your learnt= a skill you are good at

  17, A book you recently read

  18, A song

  Part 3: is singing songs popular in China?

  On what occasion do people sing?

  What kind of songs is suitable for the children?


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