您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 雅思参考范文:物种减少的原因.
1. 命题中的decline 是什么意思?biodiversity:生物多样性 the number of species in an ecosystem within a certain period of time. 生物多样性:在某一具体时间段内一个生态系中所有物种数目的总和。
2. 原因:
l 工业:
l 农业:
l 人口增长
l 战争
l 都市化
l 灯光
l 道路
l 噪音
l 机场
l 火车站
l 基因库
l 自然保护区
l 惩罚力度
l 政府+个人= 政策,宣传,个人具体行动
l 法律+教育
264单词 13个句子。
The key problem is why both the biodiversity and the population in the biota are negatively influenced. Another question the essay attempts to answer is how to fectively address this problem.
One of the most alarming reasons is that the increase in human population within the past several centuries exercises adverse impacts on both flora and fauna. Put it in detail, the growth of human population accelerates the development of various industries, including manufacturing, communication, transportation, and building. All these cut the area of habitats栖息地 of the animals and plants. They also pollute the environment.
Farming and fishing also contribute to导致 the disaster. In developing countries such problems are rather formidable. China is a convincing有说服力的 example, where the majority of the population is working as farmers or fishers. Farming undoubtedly forces the wildlife to live elsewhere. Noticeably, the application (use) of pesticides 农药and chemical fertilizers 化肥in the farming land for the purpose of 为了。。。的目的high outputs 产量 further weakens减弱 the fragile脆弱的 balance in an ecosystem.
Other human activities such as wars and trading further undermine 毁坏,破坏the biota equilibrium平衡. The airplanes, railways, trucks, ships, and other transportation means (工具,手段)not only destroy the animals and plants by noise and lights, but also they consume 消费the fossil fuels燃油 which are conversed into 被转化为。。。。。。harmful pollutants 污染物accumulated积聚,积累 in the atmosphere, waters, and soil.
To tackle处理 these problems, on the one hand it is necessary to use legal means法律手段 to censor 审核some human activities that might harm the environment. On the other hand, it is vital 重要的for people to be educated or enlightened启蒙 so that they understand the importance of protecting animals and plants.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲