


2017/08/07 17:52:00 编辑: 浏览次数:59 移动端

  As is unfolded in the map, Place M and N have their unique pros and cons as to the place for building the supermarket.

  First of all, Place N is located in the urban area of the G town, which may have more population and business. This advantage is incomparable with Place M. What’s more, Main road runs across the center area with convenience in traffic and logistics for the market afterwards. However, the place is equally far away from the neighborhood and the suburb area and cannot attract the residents in the outskirts.

  As a double-edged sword, Place M is more specifically customer-oriented. In spite of its comparably remote location with Place N, it would attract more customers in the outskirts, for they are reluctant to make a long trip for shopping. On the other hand, the train line nearby will also bring convenience in traffic to the urban-dwellers. Situated to the north-west of Place N, Place M is near the A and B Town with total population of 23 million, far outnumbering the overall population of D and E town, with 12 million.

  What’s worthy of being mentioned is that fierce competition in Place N and probable monopoly in Place M should also be taken into account when building the supermarket.


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