


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:308 移动端



  (1) argument ---- to what extent do you agree or disagree; do you agree or disagree

  (2) discussion ---- discuss both these views and give your own opinion

  (3) pros and cons ---- do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages; do you think the positive fects outweigh the negative fects

  (4) development ---- do you think it is a positive or negative development

  (5) report ---- causes, fects, solutions

  (6) mixed ---- argumentation & report

Version Type Scenery Content
11117 Discussion technology, society robots benits and drawbacks
11118 Development society, rights, jobs equal numbers of males and females
11119 Report society causes of anti-social behaviour
11120 Discussion travel, media travel abroad or watch TV
11121 Report travel, society tourism benits and drawbacks
11122 Discussion government, arts financial plan on arts construction
11123 Discussion society, rights, jobs females’ role on certain jobs
11124 Argument government food import or not
11125 Discussion government, culture language saving
11126 Discussion education start school as early as possible
11127 Mixed society, abstract competitiveness
11128 Development society, technology computer with work and study
11129 Discussion travel, environment air travel and environment protection
11130 Report environment environment protection by individuals
11131 Argument society, arts keep the old or build the new ones
11132 Argument travel, society charging by home and abroad
11133 Argument environment environment protection responsibility
11134 Argument society greed and selfish
11135 Argument government, media violence and media
11136 Discussion education mental and/or academic education
11137 Mixed media news and journalist
11138 Argument government, media public services or arts
11139 Argument society traditional foods or fast foods
11140 Pros and cons media advertising benits and drawbacks




雅思写作真题7分范文之new media


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