

2017年7月12日雅思写作预测 四大重点话题.

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  Task 1 饼图 表格

  直接获取澳际名师服务点击进入>>>>有问题?找免费的澳际专家咨询! 或者通过在线咨询处留言,把您最关心的问题告诉我们。

  Task 2

  1.Some people think adults should learn practical skills by themselves, while others think they should learn from teachers.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

  2.Everyone should stay in the school until they reach the age of 18. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  3.Every one believes that it is important to protect the environment however seldom do that themselves.Why is it important to protect environment by ourselves? What action should we do?

  4.In some countries, children start school at the age of seven, so they could have more time to build relationship with their parents. In other countries, Some think that children start school as young as possible.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

  5.Out-of-town big stores replace more and more center-town stores. As a result, more and more people have to drive cars in order to get to those &aposfar away&apos stores. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages?

  6.Creative artists should be given weth freedom to express their ideas(words,pictures,musics and films .however some people think govenment should take some restriction weth them.to what extent do you agree or disagree this opionion.give your reasons with own knowledge and give examples.

  7.It is illegal for employers to reject someone applying for a job due to his or her age,to what extent do you think it is positive or negative?

  8.Some people think history has nothing or little to tell us, but others think that studying the past history can help us better understand the present. .Please discuss the two views and give your own opinion.


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