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  Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations. However, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibilities for helping the poorer nations in such areas. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


  ① The aid from developed countries is of great benit to common people in needy countries. International aid optimizes people’s living standard and eradicates poverty in the poor countries.

  点评:needy 一词代替了原文中的poorer, optimize为词汇的亮点,意为“使得更加完善”。


  ② The aid from rich countries provides good medical care and helps promote the development of education, agriculture and economy.



  ③ Mutual assistance enhances friendship between countries, which helps get rid of the possibility of wars due to misunderstanding.

  点评:enhance一词在雅思作文中会经常用到,比如:enhance ficiency; enhance security; enhance sense of solidarity.


  ① Financial aid from rich countries is often given out of political reasons. If you want to receive the aid, you have to accept political conditions combined with it.


  ② Aid from rich countries is just a disguised way to exploit cheap natural resources and get great benits from poverty-stricken countries.



  ③ It must be stressed out that there exists a potential danger of the abuse of the benicence by some corrupt governmental officials and inficient administration.



  Some people say that exploration of outer space has many advantages; other people feel that it is a waste of money and other resources. Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


  ① Man has the instinct and curiosity to explore the unknown, outer space exploration could multiply our knowledge about the universe and the earth.


  ② The earth has a limited amount of natural Resources. One day they will be consumed up, so we need to explore untapped energy and resources for mankind to survive.


  ③ New habitation may be found for human beings to solve the problem of overpopulation. There is possibility that one day mankind may emigrate to other planets.


  ① Space exploration makes the money fly, for it has consumed large sums of money and precious and limited resources with any worthwhile return.


  ② We have more pressing social problems that ought to give priority to, outer space exploration can not alleviate the agonies of millions of people who are suffering from poverty, disease and starvation.


  ③ The real interest of nations with space technology lies in the manifestation of both their technological and military power.


  Some people prer to stay in the same jor for the same company, but others prer to change jobs frequently. You should use specific reasons to compare the advantages and disadvantages of both sides.


  ① Regular job-hopper’s honesty and loyalty may be questioned. On the contrary, keeping employed in one single career is an fective way to get job-promotion as well as ensure the stability of one’s life.


  ② You may become a veteran of the field and earn respect or prestige from others if you focus on a single career with all your heart.



  ③ You can establish intensive social connections related to this field, helping you tear down most of the barriers standing in the way of your working endeavor.


  ① Job-hopping is a human instinct to see changes, a yearning to work with different people and a desire for divergent job duties.



  ② Regular change of jobs enables employers to obtain more professional skills and enhance their teamwork spirit by means of changing their jobs.


  ③ In this competitive and ever-accelerated world, more and more people can no longer be dependent on a single career.


  Some people prer to stay in the same jor for the same company, but others prer to change jobs frequently. You should use specific reasons to compare the advantages and disadvantages of both sides.


  ① Regular job-hopper’s honesty and loyalty may be questioned. On the contrary, keeping employed in one single career is an fective way to get job-promotion as well as ensure the stability of one’s life.


  ② You may become a veteran of the field and earn respect or prestige from others if you focus on a single career with all your heart.



  ③ You can establish intensive social connections related to this field, helping you tear down most of the barriers standing in the way of your working endeavor.


  ① Job-hopping is a human instinct to see changes, a yearning to work with different people and a desire for divergent job duties.



  ② Regular change of jobs enables employers to obtain more professional skills and enhance their teamwork spirit by means of changing their jobs.


  ③ In this competitive and ever-accelerated world, more and more people can no longer be dependent on a single career.

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