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Some people regard the increasing business and cultural contact between countries as a positive development. Others, however, feel these leading to loss of national identities. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
分 析:
范 文:
The closer communication between different countries has been a conspicuous tendency in recent years, both in economic and cultural aspects. Some people doubt the continually connections will cause vanishing of a country’s identities. In my view, the result of international interaction depends on the situation in different nations.
In fact, the international contact is a dinitely mutual benit for countries. Due to the economically motivated, both states and entrepreneurs are interested not only in the domestic market but also in the oversea market. The closer connection opens up huge potential opportunities for business corporation. Besides, the more cultural contacts, the better understanding of other peoples. Cultural communication can alter people’s attitude towards another culture and embrace different values, which will promote multi-cultural understanding and even remove cultural barriers.
Admittedly,the cross-national interaction will also impose a negative influence on national identities, especially to those weak countries such as Pacific island countries and some mini countries in Europe and Africa. It seems that in these weak countries, the locals have become more familiar with exotic cultures, which rlects the foreign cultural invasion to some degree. For instance, the mainstream value of teenagers in these countries has been mainly shaped by Hollywood blockbusters instead of their traditional literature or other artistic works.
In my opinion,whether closer global communication will cause demise of national identities rely on different countries. American,as well as Canada and Australia, is marked by their high population mobility, or immigrants, to be more exactly. The culture in these nations is based on other cultures indeed. Therore, they welcome different countries and it cannot be a problem to them. Also, some countries, like China, India and British, have their own unique ethnic identity and cultural confidence which come from their long history. Global contact will also be acceptable to them, too. Only to the weak countries, the local government should take steps to protect their vulnerable cultures.
In conclusion, the positive and negative influence of global communication really coexists. However, the outcome of closer contact is better or worse is determined by different countries.
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Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲