Do you mean...?
If I understand right, ...
I&aposm sorry if I&aposm being a little slow, but...?
I&aposm sorry, I&aposm not sure I understa12 Do you mean (that)...?
So am I right in saying ...?
If I&aposve got the picture, then ...
So what you mean is ..., right?
Sorry I don&apost quite catch you. You mean...?
Can I get one thing clear?
Would I be correct in supposing...?
I&aposm afraid it&aposs wrong.
I don&apost think so.
I&aposm afraid what you think about... is not quite right.
Sorry, that&aposs not at all right.
No, you&aposve got it all wrong.
I think the information you have must be incorrect.
If I may say so, it is not the case.
If I may say so, you are mistaken there.
I&aposm sorry, there is some misunderstandings here.
It doesn&apost seem correct to say...
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲